
While growing up as a child, we didn't have many material or temporal goods. I remember a day when I approached my father, a bit uneasy, and I told him, "Dad, I need a new pair of shoes. These are worn out already." He stopped to look at my shoes and saw that they were indeed worn out. And he said to me, "Well, I think we can fix that." And he took a little bit of black shoe polish and shined my shoes, making them sparkle. They came out looking very nice. He told me, "OK, now it is fixed, son." And I said to him, "No, not yet. You can still see my toe sticking out of my shoe." And he said to me, "Well, we can fix that too." He took a little bit more shoe polish, and he shined my toe. That day I learned that there is a solution for each of life's problems. And I am convinced that this principle of self-reliance and this resourcefulness is one way to hasten the Lord's work. It is part of the work of salvation. All of us can become better than what we are now. We have to dispose of complacency. Many times we settle for what we have now, and that destroys our progress. Each day is a day to progress if I decide to do something different to improve what I have not done well in the past. If you do so with faith, exercising that faith and that hope in Christ that He will be with you to help you, you will find the pathway in your progression, both in temporal and spiritual things, because God lives and because you are His son or daughter.

He Polished My Toe

As a boy, Elder Enrique R. Falabella learned there is a solution to every problem. By living self-reliance principles and not being complacent, all of us can become better.

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