undefined undefined With All Your Heart


My name is Daniel. I am the first counselor of the teacher's quorum. And I am the ward pianist of [INAUDIBLE] ward.

The first years we transferred here, my sister was tutored by a couple mission at the temple. So I accompanied her during her piano lessons. As the time goes by, I got an interest in playing the piano. After a few months, the bishop called me in his now. Can you play the piano because our ward pianist will be released now? So I told him I'm not that good yet. I need more practice now.

So I did my best to serve God also in this ward. [SINGING]

I choose hymns that with uplift members.

Before the sacrament starts, their mind is focused on the sacrament so that they can renew their covenants.

Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be perfect like Him. Every time I play, I feel a little nervous like that my hands are shaking. But before I played the piano at the sacrament, I pray to Lord that will guide me. There were some times I made mistakes. I got confused with the notes I'm playing. But as we go on with our life, we make mistakes. But we can correct it because the Atonement is there with us.

The Lord gave us each of our talents so we need to improve it. As we serve Him, we are preparing to go on a mission. We're preparing for something great in our lives to happen. Our duties and callings are very important because we help in the service of the Lord in organizing His Church. I feel very happy. And I also feel important because the Lord is asking me to serve Him. In return, the Lord blessed me with many blessings.

Every time I practice and practice and practice, my family also sings the hymns. It feels more like the Spirit is within our house. It brings us together as a family. [PIANO PLAYING]

Every calling provides an opportunity to serve and to grow. The Lord organized the Church in a way that offers each member an opportunity for service, which in turn leads to personal spiritual growth. Whatever your calling, I urge you to see it as an opportunity not only to strengthen and please others but also to become what Heavenly Father wants you to become. [MUSIC PLAYING]

With All Your Heart

One young man overcomes his fears while magnifying his calling.

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