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[MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you, Tristan.
This year in seminary, it's my goal to help each one of you learn to love the scriptures. I hope you will become more confident in studying and learning from them in meaningful ways. And most importantly, I hope that each one of you will learn to love the Savior more as you study. Now, let's read a quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.
And Wendy, would you mind reading that for us, please? Sure. "Invite your students to read more slowly and more carefully and with more questions in mind. Help them to ponder, to examine every word, every scriptural gem. Teach them to hold it up to the light and turn it, look and see what's reflected and refracted there. For some student, on a given day with a given need, such an examination may unearth a treasure hidden in a field: a pearl of a great price; a pearl beyond price." Thank you, Wendy. So what stood out to you from this quote that we just read from Elder Holland? Rachel? I noticed that he said to read them slowly and carefully. Thank you. Tristan? I liked how he said to read with more questions in mind. Excellent. Anybody else? Yes, Michael. I thought it was interesting how he compared what we learn in the scriptures to precious gems. Thank you. Excellent comments, everybody. In our class, we'll learn to study the scriptures in a way that is similar to what Elder Holland described. To help us with that, I have written on the board a learning pattern that teaches us and helps us to study the scriptures in meaningful ways here in class and also to each one of you personally as you study at home. Let me share a story with you that illustrates how the learning pattern works. I'm going to do that by sharing a story of a young girl who had a dream about trying to find gems in the sand. Different parts of her dream symbolize important elements of learning from the scriptures. And so as you listen, try to find those things and see how they relate to your personal scripture study.
There was a young woman who dreamed she was walking along a quiet, secluded beach. She was searching for gems in the sand. As the young woman knelt down, the tiny grains of sand glittered invitingly in the sunlight. She began raking her finger slowly through the warm surface of the sand. Before long, she noticed a colorful gem sparkling in the sand and picked it up. Not wanting to lose it, she carefully tucked it into her pocket for safe keeping. Eagerly returning to her search, she quickly discovered more gems resting just below the surface of the sand. But the young woman wondered if there were gems hidden deeper in the sand. Determined, she began to dig. With effort, time, and patience, she was rewarded again and again with breathtaking jewels. Each time she found a new gem, the young woman held it under the sunlight and studied it carefully. She turned each one over in her fingers, exploring its many shapes and facets. As she thoughtfully and patiently examined the gems she had found, the young woman began to appreciate the unique qualities and characteristics of each one. Feelings of attachment to her newfound treasures began to grow within her. After searching for a while, the young woman gathered her gems together and held them up to the sunlight. She was filled with awe as the light danced off the gems in a rainbow of colors. As the young woman sat appreciating the beauty of the gems, she looked up and saw her father approaching. Smiling warmly, he said, "I've been watching you dig in the sand. What did you find?" The young woman eagerly displayed the handful of gems. Her father then asked, "Now what will you do with your treasures?" OK, class, let's take a minute to discuss how this story relates to meaningful scripture study. What stood out to you in the story? Justice? I think the story is all about finding gems. I could tell that she really wanted to find some. Thank you. Yes? Some were easy to find, but some were really hard, and she had to search for them. Wonderful, Briana. What do you think the gems might represent in our scripture study? Wendy? I think it goes back to what Elder Holland said about the scriptural gems, and maybe they're the lessons that Heavenly Father wants us to learn while we're studying our scriptures. And some are pretty obvious, but others take a little more effort to find. Excellent. Wonderful insights. Anything else? Seth? I liked how she didn't put the gems away as soon as she found them. She studied them, and she saw what was special and unique about them. And I think this relates to the scriptures because we need to see how it's applying to our lives. Thanks for sharing that, Seth. That's a very important point. Now what about the sand? What do you think it symbolizes? Yes? I was just trying to figure that out, but I think the sand represents the scriptures, the place where precious gems can be found. Good thought, Stephanie. Isn't it great that all the stories, details, and events in the scriptures will always produce gems for us if we look for them? Did you notice anything else? Wendy? I liked how her dad was with her, because it made me think about how Heavenly Father can be with me while I'm studying my scriptures and how He wants me to find as many gems as I can. Excellent. Great insights. Anything else? I really liked the question her father asked her at the end--"What will you do with the treasures you find?"--because it reminds me that I need to do something with the lessons I learn. Thank you. All of you have shared wonderful thoughts. I think you get the idea that meaningful scripture study is a lot more than just reading your scriptures. It requires work and effort. Now let's see if we can connect your insights to the elements of the learning pattern on the board.