
During the war it was difficult for us in Sierra Leone. Even for us to eat a single meal a day, we can't get it. The war was at its peak. There was killing of civilians, no food. The road to Freetown was blocked. Thieves came in, right through, take our clothing away. The bodies--the dead bodies were too much in the street. We left our homes and into the bush with my husband and the rest of the children and some members of the Church. I said, "God, save me." So the rebels are holding the AK-47. I pass by them. If I had wasted time, I should have been killed. I don't know what would have happened to my family. I believe Heavenly Father loves me, and therefore He was trying to show me a way, a light, for me to escape. My children at that time, we walk 18 miles inside the bush. Then we were able to survive for the one week, two weeks we are there. So whenever I have important visitors, this is what I will show to them, because I'm not finished. I'm still alive. When the rebels came to attack us, this blanket kept us warm, and my children. You know, we have mosquitoes in the bush. So when we take blankets along with us, it will keep us warm and keep the mosquitoes away from us. This is the blanket from the Church. The Church provided us food, hygiene needs, and clothing, used clothing. This shirt is the last of all of the clothing I had from the Church. I didn't take it out from my box immediately until after the war. I used to wear it to go to work. It was so good, so I used to buy either blue skirts or white skirts so that it would match. I didn't have other clothes, but I managed with it. And each time I wore it, I looked so presentable.

Sometimes I walk 20 miles to go and do deliveries when they call me, and I walk to come back. When a mother holds her healthy baby, she feels so great. She feels good. Just imagine when a woman goes to give birth. That baby is precious. In resuscitating a baby, we used to use our mouth.

But now when the training came up, we found out that it was bad and it was even hazardous to us. It was a way of cross infection. It was a way of losing even our lives and getting our health at risk. When this Church came to do the resuscitation training, it was a great thing in our lives. After the training, immediately after the training, when I came home, I had a delivery here. It was difficult, but now I used the resuscitation training method to do my delivery, and the baby came out well. Relatives shouted for joy, and I praised God. The mother woke up, got up from the bed, and grabbed me. "Thank you, nurse." To do His work as a result, He saved me from all other calamities. If we are killed, the question was, why was I not killed? Why I never lost any one of my children? I know that the Lord loves me. And so that faith, that belief, that hope was within us. Why? Because of this humanitarian gesture that was afforded us. They follow the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ, because they have led us the same way the Savior led His children--with love. With The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we found those people who provided that. May God bless them wherever they are.

War in Sierra Leone – Saved from the Rebels

War devastated Sierra Leone for over 10 years. Rebels were killing civilians, civilians who weren’t killed had no food, and the road to freedom was blocked. Survivors Abie and Mohammad Turay are proof that God lives and loves His children.

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