
What if there were things you could never take back--words, decisions, mistakes? A world where every heartache lasted forever, where every wound never healed. No autocorrect, no backspace, no delete. A world where man only drifts farther and farther away from happiness, from peace, from God. That's what the world would be like without a Savior.

Thankfully, that world doesn't exist, because one quiet night, long ago in a tiny town, a child was born. Born to change all hearts, end all goodbyes, fix all mistakes. Born to overcome anguish, regret, depression, fear.

He understands you. He heals us. He can bridge the lonely gap between God and man and bring us home if we let Him, if we love Him, if we follow Him.

That's why we celebrate, that's why we sing, and that's why He was born.

Why We Need a Savior

What would life be like without a Savior? There would be no joy, no forgiveness, no hope for the future. This Christmas, learn more about the hope, peace and happiness our Savior Jesus Christ can bring into our lives at

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