
My beloved friends and fellow laborers in the Lord's work, congratulations on the opportunity that has come to you to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ-- what a sacred responsibility. The Apostle Paul certainly understood the significance of your calling. He wrote to the Corinthians, "God has set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers." Even as you are so kind in sustaining me and my brother and as apostles and prophets, we want you to know we sustain you in your calling as a teacher. To be asked to follow in the footsteps of the Savior Himself, the Master Teacher, and invite God's children to come unto Him, what greater privilege could we have? If you feel a little overwhelmed or inadequate, don't worry. I do too. [CHUCKLE] We all do. You don't have to be as perfect as He is to teach in His way. No, you just have to do the best you can, trusting in His Spirit and His strength to be with you. In any case, your best preparation to teach will come from something we should all be doing already-- striving to live as a true disciple of Jesus Christ. With that focus in our life, gospel truths will be self-evident, and you will be blessed. Please know that you have our trust and confidence. You can do this. Remember, there are many to help you and counsel with you. You have your auxiliary or quorum officers, and other church leaders, who will offer support and guidance. You have teacher council meetings, where you can gain strength and insights from other teachers in the ward. You have the many rich resources on And most importantly of all, you have the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you, inspire you, and bring all things to your remembrance. The Spirit will bless you as you prepare and as you teach. To help you prepare for this sacred responsibility, we've prepared some video segments giving a vision of what it means to teach in the Savior's way. Following each segment, take a few minutes to ponder the questions listed there. Talk about them with your leaders. Those discussions will help you be a better teacher. Brothers and sisters, you and I both know that teaching the gospel is an essential part of God's great work of salvation. And He has called you to that labor. When Philip inquired of the Ethiopian, "understandest thou what thou readest?" this good man said, "how can I, except some man or woman should guide me?" Well, you are that guide, that teacher. We love you. May the Lord bless you always, and in every way, in your new calling.

Welcome Teachers

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gives insight and encouragement to newly called teachers of the Church.

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