

Teacher council has provided, to me, an opportunity to hear from other teachers and get insight from them. The nice thing about the consistency about a council is that it's not just a one time, hey, this week we're going to have this teacher preparation or teacher experience, and then it's over. I mean, you can come back and follow up and get insight, and it helps you retain and remember, and really apply the things that you're teaching. Probably the principal that I learned that most impacted my teaching was to teach people, not lessons. That was one thing that was kind of talked about in our teacher council meetings. I was teaching the young women the other week, and I asked them to share some of their thoughts, and they had some incredible insights. And then it was fun to ask a follow up question to what they had shared. And then you-- and then your just showing them that you're interested in what they're interested in. I just feel like it's a great opportunity for the Spirit to teach. I went into the teacher council one Sunday, and I was a little frustrated. I had just come from my class, so I walked into teacher council, and we were talking about loving those you teach. And I thought, oh, boy. I need this one. And then I just started to think, we're talking about loving those we teach. And I thought, you know what? I haven't been doing that as well as I could. As I begin to pray for them by name, my heart is softened, and I feel like I can see their needs. And I think that just discussing those principles in the teacher council has given me a new perspective and a new way to think about things. Sometimes it's hard, and you are frustrated, and you feel like your lesson didn't go very good. But I know from that teacher council discussion that if our students come away knowing that they are loved, that that was the home run that day. If we want to be successful in our teaching callings, we have to love everyone. And I think just listening to the other teachers in our teacher council has been very inspiring to me, and has helped me to have a desire to really embrace them in their individual lives. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Learn Together

What does it mean to learn together in a teacher council meeting? Here are some insights.

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