undefined undefined From the Head to the Heart

Relationships are at the very core of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the Savior was asked, "Which is the greatest commandment in the law?", His answer pointed to relationships. First, our eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart." And second, our eternal relationships with one another: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Our Savior was never distracted by anything temporal. His attention was always focused on the eternal, and ours can be too when, like Him, we put relationships first. By focusing on our relationship with our Heavenly Father, our Savior, our family and others, we're focusing on what lasts, and Christ's gospel can move from our heads to our hearts. I often think of my grandparents and others who have gone before me, and I'm grateful for the relationships that I've developed with them. And as I pass through each stage of my life, my love and appreciation for my family has matured and developed, and my testimony that relationships are eternal has deepened. More joy and comfort are found in the sealing power of the priesthood, which can strengthen and bind our family relationships. We are each an important link in our family chain, and each of us, regardless of our current family circumstances, can begin working on the things that last. I recognize that not everyone has had the opportunity to nurture and develop family relationships, but don't be discouraged. Stronger relationships can begin with you, right now, where you are. Through all kinds of family history and temple work, you can increase in love and help your family heal going in both directions, toward your ancestors and toward your posterity. Maybe you've started your family history and have become discouraged because of damaged relationships, missing information. Don't give up. Keep seeking the eternal. Pray and look for connections, relationships, and stories. And when you begin to find those personal connections, you'll start to understand what it's like to have your heart turn to your fathers, and the gospel will have an opportunity to move from your head to your heart. You will feel for yourself the power and eternal nature of family relationships.

From the Head to the Heart

The first and second great commandments are all about relationships. As we foster family relationships and know and understand our family history, we are able to take the gospel from our heads to our hearts.

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