

When I first joined the Church, I didn't really have that great of an understanding of what fasting was. And I don't think it was until a little bit later on that someone that I was close to needed something, and they said that they were going to do a fast. And I think that was really one of the first times that I fasted with an actual purpose. It was just a really special experience to see this change happen because a group of people had gotten together to pray for one person. Fasting is a spiritual principle. The first Sunday of every month is fast Sunday, and during that time, you go without food or drink for two meals. When I've fasted with a purpose, I feel like I've had even more energy, and my mind is clearer. Maybe things that didn't make sense before are making sense. And you know, it's not necessarily that every time you fast for something, that thing is going to happen. But there's always been a sense of peace that comes along with that. I think that fasting works in people's lives because it's just another way for us to show Heavenly Father how much we care about something by making a sacrifice. It is a sacrifice for a lot of people, I think, to go without those two meals. And it really turns your heart to whatever the subject matter is that you're praying for, that you're fasting for. The fast-offering program is really amazing, in my mind. When Jesus Christ came to earth and organized His Church, He gave us commandments. And some of those were to help the needy and to clothe the poor and to visit the sick. We have fast Sunday, which is the first Sunday of every month, where we take the money that we would have used on two meals and we donate that as a fast offering. It's just such an amazing feeling to know that I've been blessed with so much in my life, and I am giving back, even though it's such a small amount. But I'm giving back. I have a quote on my computer. It says, "Work will cure your grief. Serve others." And I just absolutely love that quote. Any time that I'm feeling down, I always remember that and think, "I need to get out of myself and go out and do something." When I am helping others and serving others, I am serving Jesus Christ.

Fasting: Young Single Adult Ward, Amanda

Amanda, a young single adult attending a YSA ward in Los Angeles, talks about how fasting plays a part in her life. To learn more, go to Fasting.lds.org.

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