If we keep our focus on the Lord, we're promised a blessing beyond comparison. Stay focused on these simple things and avoid becoming distracted.
Check it out. See you guys up there. The river. I wonder if it's cold. Aah!
I'm really sorry.
See? No problem. Nice. Are you taking it down the river then? Yeah. Hey, everyone. In, come on. Hey, you forgot this. Thanks. Everybody. Come gather around and we're going to make sure our life jackets are fitted all nice and properly, OK? Look at her. Not even paying attention. Shame, shame. Hey, Jonathan, please buckle up your life jacket, OK? Hey, you all right? Yeah, it's just a little tight. Oh well, I just loosened mine a bit back here. Oh. All right. Lift up on 3. 1, 2, 3.
Oh my. Oh wow. This adventure reminds me of our mortal journey. Remember stay in the boat, always wear a life jacket, always hold on with both hands. Grab it like this, grip low on your paddle, and you can get some good strokes, OK? Most of us experience periods in our lives where the tranquil waters of life are appreciated. [SQUEALING]
I want to get one. Yeah, go for it. All right, guys. Hey, we got a rapid coming up here. Let's go ahead and worry about pictures and stuff a little bit later. Hey, Jonathan, please buckle up your life jacket, OK? OK.
But other times, we encounter white water rapids. Forward. [CHEERING]
Right, right. Left, left. Hey, let's get a selfie of us in these rapids. Dig in, dig in, dig in. [GASPING]
And if any one of you have fallen out of the boat, we will seek you, find you, and minister to you, and pull you safely back onto the old ship Zion.
The Lord in His goodness has provided help, including a boat, essential supplies, such as life jackets, and experienced river guides who give guidance and safety instructions to help us make our way down the river of life to our final destination.
Our local church leaders, like seasoned river guides, have been tutored by life's experiences, have been trained by and mentored by apostles and prophets and other officers of the Church, and most importantly, have been tutored by the Lord Himself.
Brothers and sisters, use your life jackets. Hold on with both hands. Avoid distractions.
Above all, stay in the boat. [MUSIC PLAYING]