
Well, today is Zayna's baptism, and we are extremely excited for it. I'm baptized. I'm ready. Let's do this. With teaching a recent convert, the goal as missionaries is to be able to help them endure to the end. Baptism is the first step, the gate. But then it's not the end. And so as missionaries, we still have a really huge role to play in that, especially with the new member discussion and involving temple work with that. It's interesting you bring up the temple, because that's exactly what we want to talk about today, is--the end goal isn't baptism. We continue on and eventually receive our own ordinances and covenants in the temple, and how we can extend those blessings to our ancestors that have passed on. And so that's why we have these pamphlets that we're going to be going over. And there are so many pictures, pictures of what a temple looks like on the inside, just so you can get familiar with it as you prepare to go in and perform those ordinances in the temple. Awesome. So if you open to page 14, "How can I start my family history and temple work?" So you've got to find people, right? You've got to find and identify those ancestors. And then an important part is not only finding them, but also taking them. We take these names to the temple. Or if others are looking for names and maybe you have a lot of names, and you're like, "OK, hey, like, do you want to go to the temple with me? Like, here are some names you can help me out with." And then you teach, or you share. On page 13, can you read that, Zayna? "'Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers' (Malachi 4:5-6)." And so that's why you're looking to figure out who your ancestors were and what they went through. And at the same time, they're also relying on us to be able to perform these proxy baptisms for them so they can be able to receive these ordinances and gain salvation. Pictures in the pamphlets really make the temple comfortable for them, and they become more excited and committed to it because they know what it looks like and they see how beautiful it is. So if you'll turn to the next page, you'll see this family tree. It says, "Fill in as many names as you can remember. Think about which deceased ancestor you want to be baptized for first." OK. I've found a lot more names. And every time I find one, it's like another piece of that puzzle. It's exciting to see my family tree, like, growing. I'm proud of the fact that I will get to take their names into the temple. And it's really special for me, being the only person in my family to be able to do that. It's, like, so exciting. Can you share maybe a little story or what prompted you to--why do you remember the names? My mom's birth mother. I never got to meet her. And my mom has no memory of her because she passed away when my mom was four. I am especially excited to do a baptism for her because I feel like she never really got a chance to live her life. That's awesome. Yeah. Our invitation to you is to continue to fill this out. And then we'll go through next time. We'll be able to put those names into the computer on FamilySearch.org, where you can print them out. Cool. And take those names to the temple. We sat down with Zayna, and we were able to identify ancestors that she had written down in the Families and Temples pamphlet. As we put those names into the computer, we were able to use Skype, to Skype in Brother Reed. Hi. Hey, how you doing? Good. How are you? Good. What should I do first? Well, OK. So you are on the FamilySearch website, right? Yes, I am. OK. Are you looking at your family tree? You can click on Family Tree and look at your tree. But this will help you get started in terms of finding names to take to the temple. So now you yourself can do all the work for these people. And they'll be very pleased and happy on the other side that you found them. And when you take them to the temple, you'll feel that spirit even stronger. And I know it will bless your life. Thank you for letting me help you. Yeah, thank you for helping me. I don't know. It's crazy. Like, I feel proud that I get to give her this second chance, this opportunity to be baptized. And I want her to feel the same joy that I've felt since I've been baptized. Finding the information and stuff has brought me closer to Heavenly Father. That for Him to give me the power to put all the pieces together, it makes me feel so happy, just because He trusts me. I feel like this was my first "missionary" work. Family history work and going to the temple is what keeps them strong and keeps them committed and converted to the gospel and will help them endure with the peace and comfort that comes through having this gospel in their lives.

Increasing Convert Retention with Temple and Family History Work

Watch missionaries teach Zayna Chubbs from the booklet Families and Temples, help her find family names, add them to FamilySearch.org, print out ordinance cards, and take the ancestors' names to the temple for proxy baptisms and confirmations.

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