

Jesus was baptized by His cousin. John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Or Jordan River. I don't know.

John the Baptist was in the water baptizing other people. And then he saw Jesus. John's like, "What? You want me to baptize you? You should be baptizing me." John asked why he needed to. He didn't have any sin. Jesus says, "I must be an example to all who is righteous." For thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. So then he baptized Him. He got baptized by immersion, by going all the way underwater. Heavenly Father was happy about it because He knew that it was going to help other people to be on the right path to go up to heaven. And then Heavenly Father speaks from the sky and says, "Behold, this is my beloved Son, in which--who am I pleased." Jesus got baptized, and He was being obedient to His dad. He said it was because it was a commandment. He did it because He wanted to be an example. So everybody else knew that that's what they needed to do. Even though He's perfect and He didn't need to be baptized, He wanted to be an example so that other people could be baptized and know that that was the right thing to do.

I think we get baptized because we--it washes all our sins away. It cleans your body spiritually. So we can live with God again. Becoming a full member of the Church. And we make a covenant to Heavenly Father and Jesus that we will keep His commandments. I'm reading the scriptures a lot and following Jesus, praying every day. I'm swimming around in my pool to practice getting baptized. At first I was kind of nervous. And afterwards I just felt so happy.

It was good for me to get baptized because I'm the oldest, and it set an example for my brothers. I'm going to be baptized, and I'm going to be blessed with the Holy Spirit. All the sins that you had are washed away, and you are clean so you can get the gift of the Holy Ghost. You have the Holy Ghost to help you and to look after you when you need Him. It allows you to feel the Holy Ghost. And it tells you what's right and what's wrong, like what to do and what not. And He will be your friend no matter what.


We asked kids to tell us the story of Jesus being baptized in their own words.

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