
I think that usually when we all are really together and unified, with like love in our hearts, you can definitely feel the sisterhood.

Like, we share thoughts, and they might not always be the same, so we always...

like are always teaching each other something.

I think presidency meeting is truly the time where we need to come together and make sure that we're sharing the love.

Welcome to the class presidency meeting. So to start this off, will you give us an opening prayer? Of course.

Our dear, kind Heavenly Father...

There's a comfort that they feel when they are together, where they can lean on each other, where they can talk to each other.

One person's inadequacies can be balanced out by someone else's strengths. And then you work all together as a team towards one goal.

Who did you want to read that? [inaudible] You know, watch over all class members, especially new members, less active, and those with special needs.

Pray for them, spend time with them, and become genuine friends.

To me, ministering means loving them and making sure they know that they're loved. Even if you don't like, maybe have a place at home or you don't have a place like at school or whatever. Like we're here for you.

So I'm just going to go over that so we can keep that in mind like who we have, what are their needs, you know, that kind of stuff. So Hayley...

If the Savior was going to do anything, He would be here reaching out and ministering and, you know,

contacting people on a really regular basis, connecting with them one on one, really listening and caring about their actual needs.

I feel like I’ve seen the most change in Candace, like I noticed it when like a few months ago when, Amandine’s dad passed away and we were at the hospital and Candace came. She took the day off of school, and she came and sat with Amandine.

And we cried together and just sort of held on to each other, really. And I was like, so impressed by her, you know, just ability to drop her own life and and reach out to someone else. And I've seen that on a consistent basis.

Candace, it’s just Candace and her dad that are active in the Church. And so I think it’s really neat to see that Candace,

she stands alone on a lot of things. You know, we do see her at church when it would be really easy for her not to come. You know, she’s— it’s something that is a part of her.

Amandine, who is a refugee from Tanzania, Africa, lost her mom about a year after she came to this country. And just recently in February, lost her dad. With both of her parents being gone, she has become, in a sense, the mother of the family. It's been a big responsibility that's been placed upon her. And yeah, I feel like she ... I see her bringing the younger siblings to church and really being a big strength for her family of what it is that her parents tried to instill in them. And yet she's still trying to carry that on without her parents there.

I've seen it with Mary as well. Mary, the thing with Mary that I love is that she reaches out to the younger girls. I see her reach out to the younger girls to make them feel included, to make them feel like they're a part of the young women. I mean, I've seen such love between these girls, and I feel like that that is what makes them a good leader, is that they are doing it with love.

A Spirit of Unity

Young Women Class Presidency Meetings Part 1: A Class Presidency works together to achieve unity as they serve their fellow Young Women.

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