undefined undefined Badge to Badge—John

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, I'm John. And this is my DI story. Earlier in life, I was a trained millwright, and that meant that I repaired broken machinery. March 11, 1993--bad day--I got my arm stuck in the metal lathe. It was running 730 RPMs. I was lucky that the machine just broke my arm and didn't take it all the way off. My 22-month recovery was hard. The doctor said I couldn't pick up anything heavier than a 12-ounce can of soda. I had two children born during that time. I couldn't hold them either. When I got back to work, I realized I couldn't do what I used to do. After trying to start two businesses on my own and having them fail, I found myself unemployed with a family, in debt, and suffering from depression. I went and sought help from my bishop, and he suggested that I enroll in the Deseret Industries job program. At the Deseret Industries job program, they got me a forklift operator's license. And I began to believe I could function in society again. My job coach set me up with a business partnership with a local business, and the Deseret Industries paid my wages for three months. That business ended up hiring me. They gave me the ability and the tools and the experience to work up. I have since found another job that pays better, suits my disabilities, and suits my life the way it is and is generally a better fit for me. The Deseret Industries gave me the people skills and the confidence to take my life back. I want to say thank you to my job coaches. It's truly an inspired program. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Badge to Badge—John

John Moon talks about his experience working at Deseret Industries.

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