
[MUSIC PLAYING] I'm here in Martin's Cove, Wyoming, which is where the Martin handcart company sheltered from the winter storms in 1856. We just crossed Rocky Ridge. The Willie handcart company crossed Rocky Ridge after they were rescued. I'm here at Rock Creek Hollow, and this is where a lot of pioneers came across. I am in Wyoming. Why am I in Wyoming? I am in Wyoming because my stake has the opportunity to go on trek. I wanted to experience what it's like, maybe just a little bit of what the pioneers went through. And I can remember them in a sacred way. You get to know what the pioneers kind of went through and how hard it was on them, and then you have a greater appreciation for them. It's really cool that you can hear the stories and get to know them. One of the pioneers that I connected most with was Patience Loader. My favorite pioneer, her name was Emily. I found myself kind of drawn toward Levi Savage. Phoebe Carter. Joseph B. Elder. Mary Payne. Even when Patience lost her father, she had a hope that everything would be all right. When Joseph Elder arrived in Salt Lake with the Willie handcart company, Brigham Young asked volunteers to go help the Martin company. And he jumped at the chance. He was still willing to serve even though he knew the circumstances and he had suffered so much already. Sometimes I wonder, Why did they do what they do? I feel like I might have just given up. But as I've thought about that, I kind of realized that it's because they love the Savior and they have a hope that they can become better through Him. I want to try to do that too. I believe the pioneers did what they did because they were converted. They were willing to put Babylon behind them and, at any sacrifice, draw closer to the Lord and establish Zion and partake of the wonderful blessings that awaited for them. They just had so much love for the gospel. They were willing to sacrifice everything and leave it all because they knew that Heavenly Father would make a way for them to come through, and He did. Like greater things will come from it. A temple was going to be there. That's why they went. What the pioneers did and what the youth are going through, there's a lot of parallels. There's a lot of similarities. Sometimes I haven't felt the best, or I've kind of felt discouraged. I realize that the pioneers also felt that way. But they didn't give up. They didn't lose their faith. It makes you think what kind of sacrifices you're willing to make to get the gospel in your lives. If they can walk for weeks and months, then I can go to Church on Sunday. I can read my scriptures. I wanted to partake of the testimony of those pioneers and feel that covenant and to feel ...

and to feel that conversion--a true conversion. They not only were fighting for themselves but they were helping their neighbors in front of them, behind them. I love the service that the Saints gave to each other. To anyone who's struggling, I'd say just to lean on the Lord. He's always there for you. He loves us. We just need to reach out our hand to Him and He will help us on our pioneer journey. I've been a pioneer in my life because I'm a recent convert--a little over a year. I just feel like it's a whole new life. And, I mean, once we take that first step in our journey, miracles happen. A message that's really been hitting me is putting Christ first. If we just connect to, really, what the pioneers did, they--I mean, this whole thing was centered on Christ. It doesn't take a trek to Martin's Cove or to the places where they've been to understand sacrifice and to understand service and to have faith-building experiences that strengthen our testimonies.

But sitting here thinking about what happened, thinking about these faithful Saints who wouldn't let anything stop them and the amazing examples of service that they gave, that has really touched me. And I think it's something that I'll carry with me. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Pioneer Journeys—More Than a Trek

Why were the Mormon pioneers willing to make such great sacrifices? What can we learn from their examples? Participants in a stake trek share their answers to these questions.

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