

Blake, come on. You've got to wake up. You got fast offerings this morning. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Good morning, boys. Good morning. Thank you. Thank you. Caring for the poor and needy is a fundamental gospel doctrine and an essential element in the eternal plan of salvation.

The Lord has established the law of the fast and fast offerings to bless His people and to provide a way for them to serve those in need. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Complete fulfillment of the law of the fast occurs when the fast offering is made to the Lord's agent, the bishop. Fast offerings? How was it? It was good. Fantastic. Thank you, Sister Ramirez for sharing that thought. I appreciate that. Now, can we talk about some of the families that need our help and support right now? Brother Ratcliffe is still in the hospital after his fall. And I understand that he won't be going back to work for a bit. Or not at all.

Outages are expected to continue through next month. And now, Jennifer Anderson is joining us with a special community report. The latest round of layoffs at the factory is expected to have a big impact on individuals and businesses around the community. The full economic impact of the factory closure is unknown. But leaders in the community say the effect on local families could be substantial. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Our dear, loving Heavenly Father, we're grateful for this wonderful day. And we're grateful for our roof over her head that protects us from the rain and snow. Please bless Daddy that he will find a new job and find it quickly. And please bless the missionaries that they'll do what they need to get done. [MUSIC PLAYING]

I think tomorrow I'll go by Eric's, see if he has anything. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK, honey. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Hey. How's it going? Doing some work around the house? You know, trying to stay busy. What's this? Just thought I'd swing this by and see if you had anything. I wish I could give you all jobs but its just business is down. We're just trying to make it. Good luck to, [INAUDIBLE]. Thank you. Thanks. [MUSIC PLAYING]

I've been talking to some people at the school about some part time opportunities.

But what about the kids? I don't know. I just feel like we need to consider all our options. [MUSIC PLAYING]

How have Gordon and Hannah Butler been since the lay offs?

I saw Hannah at the school the other day. And I could tell she was having a really hard time, but didn't want to say much in front of the kids. OK. I'll be sure to stop by and chat with them. Let me know what I can do to help. Of course. [DOOR KNOCKING]

Hey. Hey, Bishop. How are you doing, Gordon? [INAUDIBLE] Hey, Mike. How's it going? Oh, hey. See you later. 7 o'clock. OK. OK. Sorry about that. Oh, no problem. Come on in. Thank you. [INAUDIBLE] That was pretty cool. Hey, Blake, pass. Hey. Hey. So did you sign up for basketball camp, yet? Not yet. Why not? Coach won't let anyone on the team that hasn't been to camp. I know. Hey, ball.

OK. So when you get home, the first thing I want you to do is sign up for basketball camp. I don't think we can afford it. What do you mean? Just tell your parents that it's super important and you have to go. [INAUDIBLE] I have a form here that will be really helpful to us. It's got a list of all the available products. So let's talk about some meals. Do you guys like pasta?

OK, Blake, why don't you start us off. OK. What verse? We left off on 37.

"Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we tee an hungered, and fed thee or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in, or naked and clothed thee?" "Or when saw we thee sick or in prison and come unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

All right. Who wants spaghetti? [MUSIC PLAYING]

As Aaronic Priesthood holders magnify their priesthood and extend this opportunity to all Church members, you frequently facilitate the promised blessings of the fast to those who may need them the most. I invite each of us to become more like the Savior by caring for the poor and needy, by faithfully keeping the law of the fast, and by contributing a generous fast offering. It's nice of you to stop by. I've been working over here at the school. Yeah? How's that going? You know, it's okay. It's good. It's helped. Hey, Blake, you've got fast offerings this-- [MUSIC PLAYING]

Caring for the poor and needy is inherent in the ministry of the Savior. It is in everything He does. As we take upon ourselves the name of Christ and strive to follow Him, we will receive His image in our countenance and become more like Him. [MUSIC PLAYING]

The Fast Offering

A young deacon learns firsthand about the importance of fast offerings when his family is faced with a difficult situation.

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