undefined undefined Our Divine Destiny


This life can be very difficult. We face some challenging things in our lives, but as long as we understand who we are-- that we are sons and daughters of God-- it should give us hope. I feel really blessed to know that I'm a child of God. Being a child of promise, just understanding your identity, it really helps out a lot, because that leads to better choices in the future. When I hear "child of promise," I think of a bright future. There's a lot of things that we can accomplish. And also, things are promised just because we are who we are-- we're children of God. He knows everyone individually. He knows my name and he knows who I am and my struggles. He's guiding me into the right path that I should be going into. And that those paths will make me happy. I have had a lot of challenges in my life being a teenager with everything, but I know that going the gospel way, it helps me a lot more. I joined The Church when I was 13. It was hard at first, because I definitely felt like I was being pulled in two different directions. I found the balance when I relied on the savior. Becoming converted to the gospel has helped me a lot in my trials. Just remembering who I am and what the Lord has promised to me, to know that he's aware of me-- he's aware of my trials. He knows of my struggles and that He will help me. My family has been through so much trials in our life and, you know, with the gospel-- now in our life-- we feel so much love. We all have our own path. We feel like it's a race, and it's not. It's not a checklist. I think we've got to make sure we don't get caught up in that, but that's what makes us happy is just having that relationship with God. And knowing that we're in the right place doing the right thing. If you're alone and you haven't found the light, I'd say there's definitely hope for you. Just continue to pray, continue to read the Book of Mormon. But the scriptures to the test. Do the small things that it asks, and, eventually, we'll find it. Simple, small decisions every day can hold the greatest potential and can bring eternal salvation and eternal happiness. For them that are struggling I would say, to pray and to never forget who you are. And that you have a loving Heavenly Father that loves you so much more than you even know. And he doesn't want you to go astray. A lot of people think that there's no hope for them. There absolutely is hope. That is the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is the essence of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, is that there is a way back because we can be cleansed and purified. And we can regain all of the happiness and joy that our father wants us to have. Find out who you are, that you are truly a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father. And then, trust in the Lord and be obedient in all things. In fact, in the Book of Mormon there's a phrase that says exactly obedient. And so, in whatever way you can, to be exactly obedient will bring blessings to you in your life. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Our Divine Destiny

Various youth and young adults testify of the importance of recognizing who you are as a child of God and the blessings promised in order to overcome the challenges of life.

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