
Partnership is really key to all of this work that we do. While the American Academy of Pediatrics has a lot of neonatologists, pediatricians that help with the scientific review of the materials, LDSC really contributes to the manpower to help disseminate the materials. And so I think that's where each party brings interesting pieces to the partnership--essential pieces to the partnership for really making this program successful. I really think it is going to take the dedication and love of many, many, many types of people to not only disseminate Helping Babies Breathe, but other critical, life-saving interventions that are really going to help save newborn lives around the world. And I think that's a goal that many people are united in achieving. And so I am very grateful to be a part of this and also very thankful to everyone who is part of this journey with me in our united cause for improving newborn mortality.

Beena Kamath-Rayne—HBB Conference Testimonial

Beena Kamath-Rayne, a neonatologist at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, talks about her gratitude for HBB training.

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