
Would you mind if I ask a follow-up question? We're hardly into this. Please. Please. We're counting on you. Yeah. We're counting on you. So we also can learn a lot about the nature of God from Joseph Smith's First Vision. So would either of you like to share some thoughts on that? Well, I'd like to rush in, and I'll let-- Fire away. --President Eyring correct me. But obviously, the great, powerful, powerful message for time and all eternity out of that is how personal God is. Personal as a Father. His Son, Jesus Christ, as a person. These are beings. This is family. And They're personal with us. They knew Joseph's name. They know President Eyring's name. They know Natasha and Coby's name. So that can't be more personal. The whole experience of the Sacred Grove was the personal nature of it. And how revealing that was to Joseph against the teaching--basically, the Christian teachings of the day. Also with what he said is--what's interesting is the two of Them, the way They work together, Heavenly Father--"This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" So it was not just personal to Joseph. They knew his name. Personal back and forth. But They--with each other. The fact that the Father and the Son are one in heart and love each other, that's a wonderful--for me anyway, one of the great things when I think of the First Vision. I agree. May I just slip in, too, for all the parents who may be learning about this as they can over the shoulders of their youth. I'm impressed that Joseph went to his mother after that experience. She's the first person that he talked to after that. And then with Moroni, a few years later, when he had the experience out in the field with his father, he told his father about this experience. And he said-- It's of God. It's of God. It's of God. He confirmed it. So you've got a mother and a father playing a crucial intermediary role between heaven and earth and reinforcing a 14-year-old. That's a great thing in our lives and a great thing for our parents. And parents, we love you. We love you more than we can say. By the way, too, along that line is, not only did He know the name, but He knew of Joseph long before. The ancestry. He knew the ancestry. So He didn't just know his name. He knew Joseph and had known him forever. And that's a touching thing that those of us in the room are wondering: "Does Heavenly Father know me?" Oh my, does He know you. Very personal. And He's been watching you, and He knows everything about you and your heart. And that's partly what we know, both from our own experience but also from what happened in the grove.

What do we learn about the nature of God from the First Vision?

A question from the March 4, 2017 Face to Face event. Watch this event in whole or in part here:

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