

[SINGING]: Sweet are the words that flutter from your mouth.

Sweet as a bee, you gather nectar. May I call you honey?

I can't believe that spring is finally here. Last winter was the longest I remember. Now that you're with me, I've never felt the cold. Although it rains, sometimes I've never seen it snow. Because you're with me, I've never seen it snow.

Because you're with me, I've never seen it snow.

A breeze of memory caused by a kiss blown through your lips.

And I believe that most dreams blossom in the spring.

Sweet are the touch of your eyes when they rest upon me.

Sweet are the tears running down because I have to leave awhile.

I can't believe that spring is finally here. Last winter was the longest I remember. Now that you're with me, I have never felt the cold. Although it rains sometimes, I've never seen it snow. Because you're with me, I've never seen it snow.

Because you're with me, I've never seen it snow.

A breeze of memory caused by a kiss blown from your lips. And I believe that most dreams blossom in the spring, yeah.

That was amazing. Thanks very much. Welcome to Mormon Channel Studio. I am your host, Amber Lynn, and we have Danny Heslop. How are you doing today? Doing good. Good to be here. That sounded great. So I heard that you just won an award. Can you tell us about the award? Yeah, it's the Utah Music Awards. Won Best New Artist is what they told me, anyway. In all of Utah, Best New Artist. That's great. But there's a lot of artists that didn't compete, so I'm sure there's a lot of awesome artists that--well, I know that there's a lot of awesome artists that didn't compete. Oh, well, that's such a great honor. Yeah, it's been great. So you write your own music. That was an original song. So tell me a little bit about writing and your process. I mean, that particular song, I wrote for my wife, and I sang it to her on our wedding day. It's about her, and it's about basically that she kind of makes me feel like this light, this beam of light, I guess you could say, or just makes me feel warm, I guess. So when spring comes around and melts all the snow, that's kind of what it's about. So yeah, that's basically what that song is about. But I love all types. That's kind of a different one than the one I was noticed--the award that I received. That's more like a jaunty, more funky feel. So I like to write bluegrass. That's more of a bluegrass tune. And then funk, and I love classic. So you're just kind of all over the place. That's great. That's super versatile. It's great to be versatile as a musician. Yeah, thanks. So that's awesome. So do you have another song for us today? I do. I'm going to play "Lead, Kindly Light." But I'm not going to be singing. I'll just be-- OK. So why that hymn? Well, because I asked my wife two weeks ago which hymn I should do, and she told me I should do "Lead, Kindly Light." So, unfortunately, I know the last guy that came here talked about what the words were. And I'm trying to think of the words, and I honestly can't even think of them. That's good. People can sing along at home as you play. You're just playing for them. That's great. All right, well, let's hear it. You got it.


Mormon Channel Studio - Danny Heslop

Danny Heslop performs "Lead Kindly Light" and his original song "Spring."

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