
When a man has been hooked by pornography, his wife is hurt, his children are hurt, and they all have to deal with this. Fortunately, there is repentance. And with loving, patient repentance, particularly on the part of the person who needs to repent, the Lord will welcome him into that realm of relief.

I like this passage in Mosiah 26:30: "As often as my people repent [I will] forgive them [for] their trespasses against me." So it takes patience. It takes love and kindness. Repentance is a beautiful word. It's a beautiful concept. It comes from the Greek word metanoeo: M-E-T-A, which means "change," like metamorphosis, metastasis of a tumor from one place to another. And the second part of the word metanoeo relates to the Greek word nous, N-O-U-S, which means "mind." It also relates to the Greek word G-N-O-S, which means "knowledge."

It's also related to the Greek word pneuma, P-N-E-U-M-A, which means "air," like you put in a pneumatic tire, but it also means "spirit." Noeo is also related to the Greek word P-N-E-O, pneo, which means "breath." So when the Lord said, "Have faith, repent, and be baptized," the people writing in the Greek record of the New Testament put that word metanoeo, which is one of the most powerful verbs in the Greek language. So that means if you're going to repent, you're going to change your mind; you're going to change your body of knowledge; you're going to change your spirit. You're going to change even the way you breathe. You'll breathe with gratitude to God, who lends you breath from day to day, and you realize that He could take that life and that breath away from you any day He chooses to do so. So each day we should live in gratitude. And to repent means you've completely turned around. It really is synonymous with conversion, which means turning with the Savior. Now you understand why the Lord said in 3 Nephi 27:27, "What manner of men ought ye to be? ... Even as I am." So many of us are worried about what our occupation is going to be, whether we're going to be a plumber, a carpenter, doctor, lawyer, whatever. Much more important than that is, what kind of a person are you going to become? Are you becoming more like the Lord each day? And if you are, then that's repentance. That's conversion. That's compassion--compliance with the desire of God for each of His precious children.

Understanding Repentance—Take Action

Understanding how repentance works and what it means when overcoming pornography use

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