
Accountability is key in this.

A person has to acknowledge the problem, the challenge, and own it. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Sometimes as we look at the progression of things--with pornography, for example--you have an experience that may be repeated enough that it becomes a habit and, in extreme cases, even an addiction. And there's a tendency sometimes for someone to say, "Well, I'm addicted, and therefore it's beyond my control. I'm a victim. I can't deal with this. I'm helpless." Accountability says no, even there you have to accept responsibility for this problem and own it and work on it. You don't have to work alone, and you do have the blessings of the Atonement and its grace and its influence in your life and its healing effects. But you've got to call on that. You've got to work toward it and receive it. We are created to act, and He'll help us do that. And if we'll accept the accountability, we can count on Him to help us be accountable and succeed.

Individual Overview—Be Accountable—Addressing Pornography

Introduction--How to be accountable when working to overcome pornography use

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