
Pornography is an affliction, all of which requires the involvement of the Lord Jesus Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is how we overcome our afflictions. Along with programs that are out there, both in the Church and in the world, one can never get away from the need to have a personal relationship with the Savior. This is what His Atonement is all about. His Atonement is about Him taking upon Him the transgressions of you and me, and Him providing a way to be forgiven of our transgressions. My promise is that if they will invest some of their time to know our Savior better, I promise them that they will love Him more by knowing Him better. And I then promise by loving Him more, they will have a greater desire to serve Him, meaning they will have a greater desire to keep His commandments. It requires an investment in knowing who our Savior is, knowing what the Atonement and these big words are: repentance, forgiveness. Study them. You have personal study time. Read what the Savior and the prophets say. The more you do, the deeper your love for our Savior will become. The more you love Him, the more you will desire to follow Him. And with that simple formula, I have seen many overcome transgression, understand what repentance is, and understand the wonderful gift given to all of us--because we all need it--of being forgiven and feeling forgiven. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Individual Overview—Connect and Build Relationships—Addressing Pornography

Introduction--How to connect with and build relationships with others when working to overcome pornography use

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