
Well, I think anyone with any kind of a challenge in their lives--whether it be pornography or it be something else--the first thing they have to do is recognize they have a challenge. And goal setting is a very powerful tool when it's understood. [MUSIC PLAYING]

You have to be able to think through, where do you want to be? What is it you're trying to accomplish? And then you have to think through, "If I'm going to get there, what do I have to plan to do? What steps do I have to take?" And I don't believe anybody can handle the problems of life, really, without thinking about their own life and what they need to change and then sitting down with themselves and saying, "I've got to fix this, and so I'm going to fix it. And I'm going to use all the resources I can to help fix it." And the greatest resource we have, I think, in life, in overcoming any kind of a challenge, is to be able to recognize that our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will help us. Particularly, the power of the Holy Ghost can help us and teach us how to overcome whatever it is we're challenged with. We have to work on our plans and how we're going to be accountable for how we're living in order to get to that lofty possibility--to receive all that our Father in Heaven has to give to His sons and His daughters.

Individual Overview—Make and Adjust Plans—Addressing Pornography

Introduction--How to make and adjust plans when working to overcome pornography use

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