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I didn't think I would ever be happy again. It felt so heavy. And I just remember feeling so lost, and I felt so alone. And I knew that Jesus Christ was the solution to my problem, but there seemed to be this canyon between me and Christ. I've never had a time where I doubted that I was a daughter of God. I'm blessed to have that confidence. But to really internalize that, it's a totally different story. For someone who has, in a relationship, seen the trust violated, they may wonder how they can ever recover. There is a replacement, a compensation that comes from and through the Savior that is far beyond anything we could do on our own. The Savior can mend broken hearts.
Understanding our true identity as sons and daughters of God is central to everything about our eternal progression. We are sons and daughters of the Eternal Father. We have the capacity to grow and develop and ultimately become like Him. I kind of lost my own identity. I think that was the biggest coping mechanism that I used, was I just kind of let myself get absorbed by this problem that he had that I was making myself a part of. And I completely lost sight of myself as an individual. And when you don't know who you are as an individual, your self-esteem tanks because you don't even know who you are. So one of the most important things I did was, I had to go back to the basics of who I am. Who is Amy? So if we understand who we are, it equips us. It fortifies us. It prepares us to deal with every challenge, every obstacle that we encounter in our lives. It is the sure anchor and foundation upon which we can build. I think we can relate to our Savior. Certainly He was the most innocent of all victims of all the powers of hell. And we can trust that He knows how we feel when we feel like an innocent victim. And so when we find ourselves in that pit, He comes down at that pit because He's already been there for us. He's already paid what we feel victimized by. And He can succor us and support us on that ladder and help us find our way out. Christ went through everything He went through for me because He knew--He knew I would go through this. I can go through experiences like this and know that it's going to be OK. I knew I would be OK. I knew. I was going through hell, and I knew I would be OK because I had a Savior.
Where the strength of my own self-worth comes from is from my relationship with the Lord and understanding that He put me on the earth for a purpose, and I'm His daughter. He is the way. He is the truth. He is the life. Sometimes I think when we get in a situation that seems so hopeless that we feel like there is no life, it takes our breath away. It's such an overwhelming experience. But when we can catch that glimmer of light, He will help us. It takes some effort on our part, but we can do it. Now I feel like I'm a lot more powerful of a person. I'm realizing that I do have strength and I--that I have something to offer. I am loved. I am--most of all, I am known. Jesus Christ knows me. He knows me. And there's no part of me that doubts that.