
Well, no one gets married or gets into a marriage, and nobody pursues life, planning on a problem. Nobody wants to assume that they're going to run into a barrier and face an obstacle that they hadn't anticipated, that wasn't part of their dream. This happens to be pornography.

I weep. I weep for someone. I weep for a spouse who is told that his or her partner has a pornography problem or any problem. Through it all, I think we just stay close to the Lord and keep gospel principles first and foremost in our lives. Keep love in our heart. And then in each case, I think, a person will know what they can do about it. I'm not suggesting easy answers or to sort of be oblivious to the fact that this is a wrenching, rending, terribly piercing problem. Each person will have to get counsel and pray and work through that. But it's the working through that I'd like to hold to and hope for and not have people give up--not have people think that there isn't help, that there aren't answers, or that this is so hopeless. We can't live without hope. Everybody has to have hope. And we don't talk enough about it. And to retreat from it, I think, is to just invite discouragement and depression and all kinds of problems. I want us to be believing that there are ways to work through, each in his or her own way.

Spouse Overview—Respond to Strong Emotions—Addressing Pornography

Introduction: How a spouse can respond to strong emotions when discovering a spouse has been using pornography

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