
The decisions that woman must make are very personal.

I wouldn't presume to give any direction to any one individual, because they can approach the Lord in prayer, and they can get counsel from their bishop and their trusted colleagues. But I know this: that if they will immerse themselves in the doctrine and be close to the Lord, be comfortable in His holy house, and understand the scriptural connotations, that they'll make a good decision.

When one tries to rebuild relationships after serious damage has taken place, the only way that those relationships can be rebuilt is to forget yourself and become more like the Lord. "The natural man is an enemy to God, ...

and will be, forever and ever, [until] he yields to the enticings of the ... Spirit, and ... becometh" humble, submissive. The only way you can do that is to overcome that natural person who wants an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and be submissive to the will of the Lord, who asks us to love our neighbors as ourselves. It's easier said than done, but I think it's the way.

Spouse Overview—Restore Safety, Stability, Trust, and Well-Being—Addressing Pornography

How trusting in the Lord will help restore safety, stability, trust, and well-being after dealing with a spouse facing the trial of pornography use.

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