
Well, we're mortals. We all make mistakes. But God wants us to become more like His Beloved Son. What a privilege it is, and how grateful I am that we have the Restoration of the gospel, which now allows us to follow that teaching pattern of the Lord and literally become more like Him with every passing day. [MUSIC PLAYING] Speaking of this kind of conversion, let me quote from Jeremiah 31:33 regarding covenants and being a covenant people: "This shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and [I] will be their God, and they shall be my people." That's where we are. We want to choose to be on the Lord's side. We want to have Him as our God and let Him know that we are His people. Sometimes members of the Church will say, "Well, I received the Sunday School answer type of counsel from family members and priesthood leaders. They tell me to pray, to fast, to study the scriptures. And I've done those things, and it doesn't work." I don't want to appear abrupt, and I hope I don't sound overly simplistic, but it may be in the consistency. Not just simply in, "OK, I've done those things." It is in the consistency of doing those things with real intent. A person can say prayers but not pray. A person can read the scriptures and not feast upon the words of Christ. Simply engaging in the behavior itself doesn't guarantee the outcome. It's the condition and the quality of the heart as we are doing those things. Frankly, I don't know a lot of different ways to bless the food. I think sometimes, members of the Church, we worry--"Oh, I used the same words. Is that a vain repetition?" I don't think the words matter nearly as much, even if we use simple words that are repeated often, if what's in our heart is a real intent to express gratitude for the temporal blessings that we receive. So I guess I would invite someone who says, "I've done those things, and they haven't worked"--I would invite them to continue pressing forward and examine your heart. "Am I doing this because I'm embarrassed? Am I doing this because I want to please someone else? Or am I on a pathway to becoming meek, submissive, humble, patient, full of love?" If that's the quality of our heart, I can promise that those things will work. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Emphasis for Change

The importance of focusing on a change of heart when working with those that deal with pornography use.

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