undefined undefined Spouse

[MUSIC PLAYING] Sometimes it's easy for a spouse to feel like all the attention and help that is coming from priesthood leaders is going to the addict rather than to the spouse. And this is so important, such an important issue that we hope all of our priesthood leaders will understand. And it isn't always women. It's sometimes men that need that help and healing. But there are ministering resources available for ward councils now that we think will help along this line. And I would hope that the bishops and other leaders who counsel would not wait for a spouse to come forward and say, "Please help me." I think they ought to search them out. If they're going to deal with somebody who's got the challenge and help them along the way, part of that help is to help those at the same time who are affected, impacted by that. And so there's no reason not to receive the help or to seek the help on the part of a spouse or the children in the family that are affected.


How leaders can reach out to spouses and other family members who are affected by the actions of the pornography user.

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