
[MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you. Thank you. You know, Rich, I've been thinking. For 22 years, I've been working in communications, front-office-type stuff. And I took this job because I love baseball, but I kept it because I didn't really know what else to do. I mean, most of what I write isn't even about the game. It's just business writing. There's no passion in it for me at all. So are you looking to make a change? Well, yeah, I'm thinking about it, but I really don't know how to go about it. I mean, I love being in the stadium and around the players. I love the reading and the research and storytelling. OK, sounds like those are some things you're passionate about. Oh, yeah. I'd really love to be playing baseball, but I think I'm just a little too old for that. Yeah, well, let's take that one off the list. So we have "love being around players," "love reading and research," "love telling stories." Yeah, I'd say those are my top three. So in your top three, you mentioned storytelling. Yeah, well, good stories. I like the research and the writing. I'm a good writer, but I really enjoy telling those stories to groups of friends. Reading, writing, storytelling--sounds like you've thought a lot about this. Yeah, more like I've spent a lot of time writing things down and throwing them away. I wrote down every idea and tossed out the bad ones. So how do you know that the bad ideas are bad? Well, they just kind of didn't seem to be in my zone, if you know what I mean. I've been in and around baseball for 22 years, and I know that fans will pay for the games and lots of stuff around the games. But I just--I need to find something that I care about enough that I can make enough money to support my family. Well, I think you're on the right track. I mean, you know what your skills are; you know what you're passionate about. If your customers are baseball fans like you are, what do you think they want? Well, that's a question I keep asking myself. There's got to be some unmet need out there that these fans want. Now you're going to tell me how many wads of paper that added up to. Exactly. Actually, I did narrow it down quite a bit, but there were a lot of bad ideas. You have a list of unmet needs. What are they? Well, I think the fans would love to have a backstage pass. I mean the behind-the-scenes stuff, the stories that they can't get unless they're there. At the end of the day, they want to be entertained, and they love that it's a premium. It's kind of like having box seats behind home plate. OK now, now we're on to something. Well, so how do we go about it? I mean, do I create a podcast, write a documentary, build a baseball amusement park, put an app together? What do you do? How do you--how do you make this happen? It's something we're going to have to think about over the linguine. Yeah, good idea. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Unmet Needs

A man named Mark is thinking about starting a business. He meets with his friend to identify unmet customer needs.

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