
[MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, hey, sis. Hey. Looks like business has taken off. Oh, yeah. It's just been crazy. That's great. You seem to be really enjoying it. You know, I feel pretty good about it. You ought to come and take a tour sometime and just kind of see how it all works. Sounds like fun. I'm happy for you. By the way, I'm looking forward to launching my own business venture. Really? That happened fast. Yeah. My old friend from college approached me. She just obtained a patent for this groundbreaking product. She wants to put me and my marketing skills into it. And she wants me to be her business partner. That sounds maybe a little risky, but I think with enough hard work, you can do it. I mean, you certainly have the talent for it. Yeah, well, that's kind of the catch. You actually have to buy into the partnership. Well, how much is that going to cost you? $25,000 for a 50 percent share of the company. Wow. That does seem a little expensive. Do you think you can afford that? Well, that's actually one of the reasons why I came here to talk to you. I haven't been able to get a bank loan, and I was hoping that you could help me out. Sounds like you really believe in this. I do, enough to quit my job. Well, you know I'd love to help you out. But I'm planning to expand my own business this year, and it's not going to be cheap. I need to make sure that my expenses are covered. I understand.

Opportunity of a Lifetime? Part 1

A business owner named Mark explains to his sister why he cannot take money from his business to give her a loan. Part 1 shows Mark’s sister asking him for a loan.

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