

(SINGING) I've stopped counting the nights that I can't fall asleep, Thinking about life and how time's creeping up on me.

I don't know what I want to be Because my plans fall through right in front of me. Who am I to decide? Someone great has given me my life.

And it's not just my own. I'm not just my mother's child. I'm not just the world, despite what you've heard. They can't keep me.

And I will not defend saying life makes no sense. It's not fair to my Maker. I'm designed to move on, to trust and be strong, because I'm His.

I've been trying to find my own destiny, Looking for answers in places and people I see, Being whoever they want me to be, Giving what the world wants to get out of me. But I cannot defy the one who sees the real me in His eyes. And I'm not just my own. I'm not just my mother's child. I'm not just the world, despite what you've heard. They can't keep me.

And I will not pretend to be somebody else. It's not fair to my Maker. He gave me my own song, so I'll always belong because I'm His.

How can I show the world that I'm strong enough to shine, Without knowing that strength comes from standing on shoulders bigger than mine?

I'm not just my own.

I'm not just my mother's child. I'm not just the world, despite what you've heard. They can't keep me.

And I will not defend saying life makes no sense. It's not fair to my Maker. I'm designed to move on, to trust and be strong, because I'm His.

Because I'm not just my own. I'm not just my mother's child. I'm not just the world, despite what you've heard. They can't keep me.

And I will not pretend to be somebody else. It's not fair to my Maker. I'm designed to move on, to sing my own song. So I'll trust and be strong, I'll always belong, because I'm His.

Welcome back to Mormon Channel Studio. I'm your host, Monica Moore Smith. You just heard an original, "I'm His," by the fabulously talented Kimberly Knighton. Now, this song actually really resonated with me, and I was just wondering what, to you, resonates with you the most about this song? Yeah, so I actually wrote this song after I was done with college. I was trying to figure out what I was going to do, and I was really nervous and scared, and I had no idea. The world was open, and I feel like I'm in that spot a lot. You know, life brings that to you constantly. And so I think what resonates to me the most is that no matter what, no matter the circumstance, there's a plan and it's all figured out. And we just have to trust that. No matter what, we are Heavenly Father's children. And how do you think knowing that has influenced your music? I think it encourages me to keep going and doing it even though it's a hard industry to be in and you never quite know what's going to happen. I think it's inspired me to remember that there are gifts that I've been given, and so it's my responsibility to do something with them. So no matter what the industry asks for or what they want people to do, we can know and feel safe that the Lord will protect us and help us to know how we can be instruments. And if there's someone else in your situation right now, what advice would you give them? I would just say, be really considerate of what you can do that nobody else can do. What can you offer that nobody else can offer? Because we've all been given special gifts, and I feel like it's important to share those because nobody else can do it. I love that. So thanks for sharing that one song with us that no one else could share. And we have another song that you're going to share with us, right? What is that? Yes, I'm going to sing "Jesus, Once of Humble Birth." All right, well, take it away. Good luck.

[MUSIC - KIMBERLY KNIGHTON, "JESUS, ONCE OF HUMBLE BIRTH"] (SINGING) Jesus, once of humble birth, Now in glory comes to earth. Once he suffered grief and pain; Now he comes on earth to reign. Now he comes on earth to reign.

Once a meek and lowly Lamb, Now the Lord, the great I Am.

Once upon the cross he bowed; Now his chariot is the cloud.

Now his chariot is the cloud.

Once he groaned in blood and tears; Now in glory he appears.

Once rejected by his own, Now their King he shall be known. Now their King he shall be known.

Once forsaken, left alone, Now exalted to a throne.

Once all things he meekly bore, But he now will bear no more.

But he now will bear no more.

Mormon Channel Studio - Kimberly Knighton

Mormon Channel Studio is a weekly video series featuring beautiful hymn arrangements and original music by LDS musicians from across the nation.

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