

(SINGING) I sit here on the floor, waiting on your call. I'm sure I've been through the worst of it by now. You found someone to hold, though I know I've no right at all. But would you keep it quiet for me if it works out? 'Cause you've taken all I can. All my darkness, oh, it surrounds me. You've been in pain since it began.

Maybe he'd be better off, better off without me.

I've been searching my soul, and all I've come to know Is that my presence in life just brings it down. Though I'm doing my best to try to shed some sort of light on this situation, I can't sort it out, 'Cause they're making other plans. In a little while now, they'll forget about me. And I'll say I'm fine. I am. Wouldn't it be better off, better off without me.

Woo hoo hoo ooo. Woo ooo.

God, I need Thy grace. Pull me from the fight. I only need a little time to come around.

Mercy on the soul. Show me where to go Where I can step without treading anyone down, 'Cause you've taken all I have. But I know I'll hold on. I know I'll make it.

I've placed myself in your hands. I'm on your time now. I'm learning patience.

Welcome back to Mormon Channel Studio. This is your host here, Marj Desius. And we just heard "Better Off" by the beautiful Aubree Liz. That was so beautiful. Thank you. Can you tell me--and you wrote that song, right? Yes. Yes, I did. Can you tell us about it a little bit? Yeah. That song, as of right now, it's the most recent song I've written. And it's kind of written about the last couple of months for me. Like, everyone hits that point in their life where it seems like all of the bad things just happen to pile up. You hope that they'll come one at a time, but it never happens like that. So that's been the last couple of months for me. And I wrote it originally trying to express my feelings because writing is a good outlet for me. So I was trying to get those emotions out of all of these things happening at the same time. And when I got mostly finished with the song, I was trying to figure out how I wanted to end it. And I ended up ending it kind of as a prayer, which was really cool for me. So beautiful. Thank you. I haven't really ever done that kind of thing before with my writing. And it ended up not even being a prayer for help, but more asking to be reminded that it's going to be OK, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Girl, you do that just right in that song. Thank you. It's amazing. It's very beautiful. What else do you have for us today? What are you going to sing? Yeah. I'm going to be singing the hymn "With Wondering Awe." Ah, this is my favorite hymn. And do you have any plans this Christmas? Are you performing anywhere? I hope so. Family coming over? Yeah. Yeah, my family, we like to spend Christmas at home, all together. We have some traditions. Like, we all get pajamas the night before Christmas. Yes. We usually, actually, try to go caroling door to door around our neighborhood on Christmas Eve. And it's super fun. That is fun. Why did you choose that song to sing for us today? I love that hymn because I feel like it just captures the simplicity of Christmas, you know. That night was--it was not like lots of fireworks and explosions in the sky and, like, trumpets and everything. It was like, angels appeared to shepherds. It's like, very simple people. And Christ was born in a stable, and it was very small and very quiet. And I just think that's beautiful. And I think this hymn really captures that aspect of Christmas. Well, I can't wait to hear it. Thank you. Thank you. Again, we have Aubree Liz here, bringing to us the wonderful spirit of Christmas, "With Wondering Awe." [MUSIC - "WITH WONDERING AWE"]

(SINGING) With wond'ring awe the wisemen saw The star in heaven springing, And with delight, in peaceful night, They heard the angels singing: Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name!

By light of star they traveled far To seek the lowly manger, A humble bed wherein was laid The wondrous little Stranger. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name!

And still is found, the world around, The old and hallowed story, And still is sung in every tongue The angels' song of glory: Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name!

The heav'nly star its rays afar On ev'ry land is throwing, And shall not cease till holy peace In all the earth is growing.

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name!

Oh, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name!

Mormon Channel Studio - Aubree Liz

In this episode of Mormon Channel Studio, singer-songwriter Aubree Liz shares fresh lyrics that describe her feelings about life as of late in her song "Better Off."

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