

[SINGING] Sweet little Jesus boy, they made you to be born in a manger.

Sweet little holy child, for we didn't know who you was. Didn't know you'd come to save us, Lord, or take our sins away. Our eyes was blind. They couldn't see, for we didn't know who you was.

You, you done told us how, and we, we're trying. Master, you done showed us how, even when you was dying.

Just seems like we can't do right. Look how we treated you. So please, kind sir, forgive us, Lord, for we didn't who you were. Sweet little Jesus boy, born long time ago, Born in a manger, Lord, sweet little Jesus boy.

[SPEAKING] Welcome back to Mormon Channel Studio. This is your host, Marj Desius, here. And today we have the incredible Yahosh Bonner. Welcome back to the studio. And Rashida Jordan Call. You guys, that was perfect in this wonderful Christmas season. And you guys know I'm a big fan of yours. I'm a big fan of yours. I think Rashida, too. Come on. Thanks for having us. That was a beautiful piece. Can you tell me, why did you choose that song? Well, me and Rashida were talking and going through songs that we could do here. And we both automatically agreed on "Sweet Little Jesus Boy." "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" is an African American spiritual, also known as a Negro spiritual. And it's something that our ancestors sang. They sang and they drew their strength from Christ. Through all their trials and tribulations and things that they had to endure, one thing they knew they could depend on and wish for was for a Savior to be aware of them, to save them, to know that He would strengthen them. And who better than the Savior to be our Christ, Jesus, because He understands all our pains and all our suffering. So we thought that it being Christmas, the Christmas season, that that would be a good song for us to share. That is amazing. And Rashida, you on that piano, girl, how did you come up with this arrangement? Did you just meet and just--because you're so good. You could just practice it this morning. Sometimes that does happen. But what has been really lovely about this is having the opportunity to arrange. That's one thing I absolutely love to do, arranging. And for me, it's taking a melody that is familiar and like home for many and then finding beautiful harmonies that put you in a different environment. It puts you in a different perspective and see music done a different way. Well, you are an expert at that. That was beautiful, guys. So what else are you going to sing for us today? We're going to do another rendition of "Silent Night," again kind of put together and directed by Rashida. She is amazing. I love "Silent Night," and it's Christmas, you guys. I'm so excited! Yeah. Yes. Do you have any fun plans this Christmas? Who's hanging out with families and-- Yes, so in my family, we love to get together. And we can only do it every other Christmas. And so we've all planned it with our spouses and our other in-laws that there's one Christmas on, one Christmas off. This Christmas is our Christmas. The Bonner family, it's our Christmas. And so we're excited. I can imagine. My mom is really excited, my dad. And so we're all going to be together competing and singing, wrestling, playing Ping-Pong. It's going to be great. So we plan whatever we're doing, we're going to be together. Awesome. What are you planning this Christmas? I think we're planning to go home. We're both from Arizona, and we'll be visiting our families. There's not a lot of snow there during-- Which is perfect, right? Who needs snow? Who needs snow? Well, I'm the Caribbean girl, so after Christmas, no more snow. That's me. I am so excited, guys. Take it away. I'm excited to hear this beautiful arrangement of "Silent Night." Thank you.

Once again, Yahosh Bonner and Rashida Jordan Call bringing the Christmas spirit in "Silent Night."


[SINGING] Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and Child. Holy Infant, so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace; Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night!

Holy night!

Shepherds quake at the sight!

Glories stream from heaven afar; Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia!

Jesus, Lord, at thy birth; Oh, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.


Silent night! Holy night!

Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth; Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.

Mormon Channel Studio - Yahosh Bonner

In this Christmas-themed episode of Mormon Channel Studio, Yahosh Bonner sings “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” and “Silent Night” and is accompanied by Rashida Jordan Call on piano.

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