
All right. I'm here with Olivia, here at the worldwide devotional. Olivia, I'm just curious--so what brings you into this room today to learn about service opportunities? Well, I was really interested because it talked about local opportunities, which I think is kind of like an under-, like, promoted sort of service. And a lot of times people see what's going on in the world, and we want to do something about it. And we would be down to do it locally, but we don't know what to do. So I like that you guys are doing that. That's awesome. And you know, I saw you stopped here at the LDS Charities booth, and Kerry was telling you all about the different local service opportunities that we advocate for, and we have different partners. So, well, thanks for coming, and feel free to stop by all of our wonderful partner booths, where they'll tell you about exactly what you're here to learn about. And what would you tell people to get them more interested in local service versus maybe going out and doing service elsewhere? I think you make more of an impact locally, in a way. I think going elsewhere, it gives you a great perspective and gets you really motivated. And so it's not without value at all. I think it's really inspiring to go elsewhere, see a need. But if you are working locally, then it's something you can do your whole life rather than just those weeks or months that you went, say, abroad or to some other location. So, yeah. That's what I think about it. Awesome. Well, thank you for sort of giving me some of your time today. And enjoy the rest of the fair. Thank you.

Behind the Scenes: Worldwide Devotional Participant Interview 1

An interview with an attendee of the worldwide devotional and her thoughts on the volunteer fair afterwards.

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