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[MUSIC PLAYING] For Latter-day Saints, the Sabbath is a day of gratitude and love. Of all the blessings we can count, the greatest by far is the feeling of forgiveness that comes as we partake of the sacrament. We feel greater love and appreciation for the Savior, whose sacrifice made possible our being cleansed from sin. I think I've realized, though, is to just prepare the Saturday before so that you can just come into church, and you can be relaxed and calm. And you can just concentrate on the Savior and the real meaning of why we go to church, especially when you're preparing, blessing, and passing the sacrament. You need to set an example to others of what it should be like. As we partake of the bread and water, remember that He suffered for us. And when we feel gratitude for what He has done for us, we feel His love for us and our love for Him.
He gave us this gift to really recommit ourselves to do better and to have an opportunity to feel again His love for us. The blessing of love we receive will make it easier for us to keep the commandment to always remember Him. You may even feel love and gratitude, as I do, for the Holy Ghost, who Heavenly Father has promised will always be with us as we remain faithful to the covenants we have made. We can count all those blessings every Sunday and feel grateful. We show gratitude on the Sabbath day when we understand what Jesus Christ did for us, because during the Sabbath day, more than any other day, we ponder about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We go to church. We share our testimony. We partake of the sacrament. [MUSIC PLAYING]
You might well be wondering what you could do to live and worship on this Sabbath day to demonstrate your gratitude and to strengthen yourself and others for trials that lie ahead. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
I think that my testimony's most grown and strengthened when I come home, because then I can really apply the things that I've learned at church and the things that I've learned during those three hours of worship. You could begin today with a private and family prayer of thanks for all God has done for you. You could pray to know what the Lord would have you do to serve Him and others. I can promise you your prayers will be answered. And as you act on the answers, you will find joy in the Sabbath, and your heart will overflow with thankfulness. [MUSIC PLAYING]