
All of us as brothers and sisters have something that we can work on to improve, to become more self-reliant. The Lord always prepares something better for you in the future. There's always progress to be made. If I can have the ability to build a spiritual foundation and move forward, I can become self-reliant. I would tell you to make it a matter of prayer and fasting to identify those individuals that could be blessed by this program. What really makes this group work is if we can get a broad spectrum of people. That enhances the discussion that happens during the workshops. There were a great variety of people in the group. Everybody was at a different point in their life, and everybody had something to contribute. Everyone has a different experience, and those experiences from life can bless the different people in that workshop. I would also really recommend that you not have a narrow focus of who you're identifying. We came up with a list of people that we wanted to have participate. And when I put it to the ward council--it was the Primary president, and she brought forth the name of the Merrills. I don't think I in a million years would have. The Merrills were doing OK. The bishop invited us to go to this devotional to introduce this program. It was an answer to prayers that we had been having, fasting that we had for our business. The bishop presented this opportunity, and I was ecstatic. This initiative was making a difference in their marriage, in their home, with their children, and then, of course, in his work. There are a lot of people that we might overlook that might need to be there that we just wouldn't think about. Everybody is lifted in this program. There's no way you can attend and participate without being strengthened and helped yourself. It's not possible. You're going to grow.

Self-Reliance: Everybody is Lifted

Local leaders and individuals talk about what contributes to the dynamics of great self-reliance groups and what worked in identifying people to invite to participate.

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