

In Proverbs 3:5-6, we read this counsel: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Trusting in the Lord is letting the Lord guide you instead of trying to follow your own knowledge and your own wisdom. I trust the Lord 110 percent because I know that if I fall, He'll pick me up and that there will be no cuts or bruises there. Everything will be healed. I do trust the Lord. And I've had too many experiences not to trust Him. If I try to do it myself, it's way harder and bumpier, and it's a rough path to take. Trusting in the Lord means trust that He has a purpose for whatever is happening to you in your life. So if He is giving you a trial, that trial is for a reason. When we spiritually lean to our own understanding, we lean away from our Savior. If we lean, we are not centered, we are not balanced, and we are not focused on Christ. There are a lot of things out there that are distracting and definitely take away focus from the Savior. I think I grew up in, I would say, kind of a slow world. And as I've grown, it's gotten faster and faster. And it's pretty much a world of distractions. I've had bad experiences with friends. I had an option to choose right from wrong. I chose wrong. And in that, I felt like I had no one, but I knew that He was there. We must each ask, "How do I keep centered and lean not to my own understanding?" Spiritual balance isn't easy to get. It's something that's going to take years. To have good balance in the gospel, to me, is making time for prayer and scripture study, also attending church and having family time at family home evening. Going back to the basics--prayer, scripture, attending church--is always a good way of keeping your balance. Jesus Christ has overcome the world. And because of Him, because of His infinite Atonement, we all have great cause to trust, knowing that ultimately all will be well. The Lord has directed my path. I know that our Savior and our Redeemer loves us and that He sacrificed His life for us in order for us to find joy and be happy. And I know that we're only going to find peace when we're on the right path. If we trust in our Heavenly Father and in our Savior and lean not to our own understanding, They will direct our paths and will extend the arm of mercy toward us. [INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC]

Trust in the Lord

Are you wishing your life felt more balanced? Try placing more trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They love you. Turn to Them in prayer, read about Them, and keep Them in your thoughts.

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