
What is the doctrine of ministering? Well. Elder Christofferson? For me, it's simply discipleship. We're following the Savior. We're trying to do what the Good Shepherd did and follow the example that He set. And our doctrine is to follow Christ and be His disciples in every way. He gave His life, and to a degree, we want to give our lives in service to one another as we follow Him. To me, that's the doctrine. We're looking to be of service to our fellowman. This is from the Book of Mormon, in Mosiah chapter 23, verse 18: "Therefore they did watch over their people, and did nourish them with things pertaining to righteousness." In our extra focus on ministering now, it would be wonderful if we kept that in mind. We're here to save souls. We're here to get families to the temple. We're here to get a united family, the children of God, back home. How precious is one soul? When we really understand the Atonement doctrinally, how precious is one soul? The Lord made it clear over and over to "bring souls unto me on conditions of repentance," and that's what He has called us to do. What God wants is immortality and eternal life for His children. Eternal life with Him is a conditional gift, conditioned upon faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and covenants weekly made in the sacrament experience and the covenants of the temple and the sealing ordinances of the temple and then being faithful to those covenants made.

So keep that objective in mind as you teach how to minister. Minister for what purpose?

So they can be reunited with God and with Christ and with their families forever.

Why We Minister

Why We Minister: A short review of principles related to effective ministering.

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