
For ministering to be the most effective, it needs to be individualized. When we think about ministering the best, of course, we start out prayerfully seeking guidance. That's how we know how to individualize, is when we have that affirmation of the Spirit, what each person needs. Then we can truly minister. We know that we know their needs. Do what works best. We've got lots of tools. We have visits. We have many means of contacting people to look after their welfare and help them in this path of return to their Father in Heaven and eternal life. What works? What's needed? And I hope the focus will be on outcomes, not just on tasks or things that are done in a given moment to fill time or something. There is an outcome we're looking for. There's hope and help we're trying to convey. Ministering is led by the Spirit. It is flexible. And it is customized to the needs of each member. Every form of communication is available to respond to the promptings of the Spirit and meet the needs of those we serve. The voice of caution that I would say is, be very, very careful that we keep this simple. We have a tendency in the Church, when we get something, to hold some meetings and then start putting a lot of things around it. This doesn't need that. All this needs is the power of the Spirit of God. All this needs is to have us see who we are and what it is we're trying to do in a loving way without putting program around the simplicity of understanding what it means to be a minister, serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Simple, Individualized, and Led by the Spirit

Simple, Individualized, and Led by the Spirit: A short review of principles related to effective ministering.

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