
I invite you to study 3 Nephi by identifying every reference to the word minister in any of its forms and every reference to the phrase "one by one." Once you have thoroughly identified these words and phrases, please consider what the Book of Mormon teaches about ministering. I also invite you to seek the Lord's help to understand how ministering applies. All leaders and members of the Church need to be careful not to just minister to those names on a list, but to minister to all of Heavenly Father's children. My brothers and sisters, I testify that this is the work of the Lord. May He bless you to implement with power the counsel from the First Presidency. I have prayed and have been assured that our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, intend to bring to pass a great change that will come in the hearts of the shepherds of Israel and that we all have opportunities to help. Indeed, our help will be at the heart of the coming miracle of improved ministering to our members.

In all of this, our ministering brothers and ministering sisters will be following President Brigham Young's inspired teaching that (quote) "the building up of the kingdom of God is to be done by little acts" (end quote). Brothers and sisters, let us remember these vital words spoken by President Russell M. Nelson in his concluding remarks this morning. "I testify," he said, "that these adjustments are inspired of the Lord." I pray that each of us will have a witness of that. I have that witness.

This general conference marks the beginning of a new era of ministering. The Lord has made important adjustments in the way we care for each other. Sisters and brothers, old and young, will serve one another in a new, holier way. Our message to the world is simple and sincere. We invite all of God's children on both sides of the veil to come unto their Savior, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy, and qualify for eternal life.

Invitation to Act

Invitation to Act: A short review of principles related to effective ministering.

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