
Noah. God tells him to build an ark before the rain starts.

He does, and the family of Noah is saved.

Moses. God gives him Ten Commandments, which he teaches to the people.

Those who follow the commandments are blessed.

Noah, Moses, and other prophets found in the Bible were called by God to speak for Him.

When they did, it was as if God himself was speaking.

Well, what is a prophet? What does that word mean?

The word “prophet” is very old, and from the Greek means “spokesman for God.”

Throughout the history of mankind,

God has often called prophets to speak for Him.

He has chosen the young and the old,

the educated and those with no schooling.

Some of large character and some who are humble.

They understood and carried out their calling to be God's representatives on Earth. Some with very dramatic results.

And that brings us to Mormon prophets.

Mormons, more properly referred to as Latter-day Saints,

believe in the same prophets found in the Holy Bible; Noah, Moses and all the rest.

But Latter-day Saints have additional scriptures they consider just as sacred and inspired.

It’s called The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

In fact, Mormon, whose name is in the title,

was a prophet called of God to speak for Him to the people of the ancient American continent. But what about today?

Does God have prophets on the earth now?

God loves us today just as much as He loved His children in ancient times.

And so, just like those who lived thousands of years ago,

we are given heavenly guidance through scripture,

the Holy Spirit and yes, prophets, modern prophets.

God has a prophet on the earth today who speaks for him.

And just like prophets found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon,

he is a witness of Jesus Christ.

He testifies of the Savior’s divinity and teaches His gospel.

He receives direction from God for our benefit and at times calls His children to repentance.

He interprets the word of God and sometimes even foretells events to warn us

or to prepare us. Prophets in our time have given inspired counsel from God on vital principles such as marriage, family,

the nature of God and His plan for us,

as well as social issues and practical matters like education,

avoiding debt, and living within our means,

principles that help people everywhere to overcome personal trials and find peace.

So who are these modern Latter-day Saint prophets?

You may have heard of Joseph Smith,

who lived in the first half of the 19th century and translated the Book of Mormon by the Power of God or Brigham Young.

He received God's direction

and led thousands of Latter-day Saint pioneers to the western United States. From that time to today,

God's prophets lead and guide his children.

The Mormon Church, more properly referred to as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

is the same church Jesus organized anciently, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.

Today, when Latter day Saints used the term “the prophet of the Church” It’s in reference to the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In addition, members of the Church recognize his two counselors,

as well as the modern 12 Apostles,

as prophets who also give counsel and direction from God.

Does this mean Latter-day Saint prophets are infallible,

they never make mistakes? No, not at all.

There has been only one perfect man, the Savior Jesus Christ.

Prophets, like the rest of us, are subject to human weakness and temptation. But their inspired counsel and teachings from God have led millions to find comfort and peace in a turbulent world.

God loves all of His children past and present.

And so he provides living prophets,

His representatives, to preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Prophets.

Their role, their function and their purpose. Now, you know.

Mormon Prophets | Now You Know

You have heard of prophets in the Bible, and you may have heard of modern-day prophets too. Who are they? What is their purpose? Let’s talk about it.

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