
We don't know all the answers to feelings of same-sex attraction or the development of gender identity. But what I do know is that having same-sex attraction--those feelings are not sinful. Anyone who bullies, ridicules, derides someone who has those feelings is sinful. The Lord isn't pleased when we do that. I think the concern is that when a person is alone in this situation and they have this intense emotional pain that is aggravated by feelings of loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, their mind can become muddled or confused. And it's in that situation that their ability to decide is gone, and they may choose then to take their life. That person needs more love and support--needs more friends, not fewer. And as a Church, as members of the Church, we should be very inclusive of those with those feelings. The best thing is if you genuinely love the person; then you're willing to sit there with them, and you're willing to cry with them, and you're willing to hold them. But directing them to the Savior is one thing that can help.

Renlund: Suicide and Same-Sex Attraction

Renlund: Suicide and Same-sex Attraction

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