
The painting behind me depicts Nauvoo, Illinois, in the United States. With its beautiful temple, Nauvoo was a signal achievement for the Church. Sadly, the Saints had to abandon their beautiful city and temple. But their story did not end there. You will experience Church history as never before in a new account called Saints, The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days. I encourage you to read it. All the events in it are real. All the people are real. Like you and me, they struggled with weakness and adversity, overcoming great odds to build the kingdom. This book is filled with fascinating insights and facts that you may not know. The Restoration continues today all around the world in the hearts and minds of all who seek the truth. The story of the Restoration does not stop in Nauvoo or North America, and neither does this history. When completed, Saints will include four volumes that chronicle the growth of this Latter-day work across the face of the earth from 1820 to the present day. You can get it in print in the Gospel Library app as an ebook, an audio book, and online at In it, you will see the Lord's hand in the lives of His children. In it, you will see His grand Latter-day work to restore His kingdom and fulfill His covenants. I invite you to read Saints and ponder the Lord's mercy and the majesty of His work portrayed in its pages. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Elder Cook Introduces Saints

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles describes the inspiring latter-day Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more at

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