
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the 2019 Mutual album concert. We are so excited to be here with you tonight and perform these new songs. As some of you know, and for some of you--for some of those who don't, the Mutual album is an album we do every year that features youth singers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the Mutual album's seventh year, and this is the second time we've done a concert here in the Tabernacle. We would like to acknowledge members of the Young Women and Young Men General Presidencies here tonight and thank them for being here. After each song, applause is encouraged. So don't be afraid to make some noise. To start off the concert tonight, let's welcome Shalia Rokobuludrau up to sing her song, "Hide." [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - "HIDE"]

(SINGING) We could keep living in the shadows 'Cause someone might not understand. We could turn around and just stay quiet. But if we're quiet, they won't know what they could have, 'Cause some people are searching for something that they missed, And we could bring them back to life. We don't need to hide The things that we believe in. We want the world to see it, So we can share the light. We don't need to be Ashamed of how we're living 'Cause the things that we've been given Keep our hope alive. We don't need to hide.

We don't need to hide.

We should be out in the open So that ev'ryone can see How His perfect love has changed us, How His mercy set us free. 'Cause some people are searching for something that they missed, And we could bring them back to life. We don't need to hide The things that we believe in. We want the world to see it, So we can share the light. We don't need to be Ashamed of how we're living 'Cause the things that we've been given Keep our hope alive. We don't need to hide. 'Cause if we do, we'll think that we're the only ones. And if we show our hearts, we'll see we're not alone. There are those who want to know the things we know, the things we know. We don't need to hide The things that we believe in. We want the world to see it, So we can share the light. We don't need to hide The things that we believe in. We want the world to see it, So we can share the light. We don't need to be Ashamed of how we're living 'Cause the things that we've been given Keep our hope alive. We don't need to hide. Oh, no. We don't need to hide.


Thanks, Shalia. Everyone, welcome Claire Westcott to the stage. She'll be singing her song, "His Name." [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - "HIS NAME"]

(SINGING) There is power in His name.

He can heal a weary soul.

He can bring the dead to life.

He can turn our dust to gold.

There is power in a prayer.

He can take away the pain. There is beauty all around When we're kneeling down. There is power in His name.

And when He speaks, the heavens open And love comes pouring in To ev'ry soul that's humbly waiting With repentance on their lips. And we can call upon His power If we are pure at heart. And He will hold us and protect us in His arms.

There is power in His name.

It reminds us why we're here.

He's the one who took our place And who wipes away our tears.

There is power in the love That He freely gives away.

We can feel it in our hearts When we do the things He taught. There is power in His name.

And when He speaks, the heavens open And love comes pouring in To ev'ry soul that's humbly waiting With repentance on their lips. And we can call upon His power If we are pure at heart. And He will hold us and protect us in His arms. There is power in His name.

And when He speaks, the heavens open And love comes pouring in To ev'ry soul that's humbly waiting With repentance on their lips. And we can call upon His power If we are pure at heart. And He will hold us and protect us in His arms. There is power in His name.


In Luke chapter 15, verse 4, the Savior says, "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?" Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd, and He goes after all of those who are wandering to lead them back to the fold. Please welcome Talin Everett with his song, "Forget." [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - "FORGET"]

(SINGING) We should pray to Him each morning.

We should pray to Him each night.

We should love one another. Such a tiny sacrifice. And I'm trying to be better. There's still so much to remember, and No matter how hard I try, Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I get caught up in the chaos of it all. Whenever I'm not living The way that I should live, He reaches out and leads me back to where I should have been. When I forget, no, when I forget.

He won't leave me in the shadows. He won't let me slip through the cracks. He always knows just where I'm going. And He'll do all He can to get me back. And I will do my best to follow. But I know that when tomorrow comes, I might get a bit off track 'Cause sometimes I forget. Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I get caught up in the chaos of it all. Whenever I'm not living The way that I should live, He reaches out and leads me back to where I should have been. When I forget. I know that I will learn someday How to be, be more like Him, How to live how I should live, yeah. No matter what, I'll find a way 'Cause that's the reason why we're here. 'Cause sometimes I forget. Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I get caught up in the chaos of it all. Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I get caught up in the chaos of it all. Whenever I'm not living The way that I should live, He reaches out and leads me back to where I should have been. When I forget, no, when I forget.

When I forget, no, when I forget.


Thank you, Talin. The Savior said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Please welcome Elica Moore with her song titled "Rest." [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - "REST"]

(SINGING) You've been dreaming, Eyes wide open, Struggling in the dark. Tired of all the chaos you've been through, You will find what you're needing If you open up your heart. Call His name. He's been waiting for you. And you'll find rest from your worries. You'll find peace for your soul. You'll find strength in your journey Wherever you go. You'll find light in the darkness And hope once again. When you follow the Savior, You'll find rest. Lay your head down on His shoulder. He can take the pain away. He knows exactly what you need. He's your healer, your protector. He came and took your place. So come and lay your burdens at His feet. And you'll find rest from your worries. You'll find peace for your soul. You'll find strength in your journey Wherever you go. You'll find light in the darkness And hope once again. When you follow the Savior, You'll find rest.

And through ev'ry mountain you climb, Ev'ry tear that you cry, He'll be by your side.

And you'll find rest from your worries. You'll find peace for your soul. You'll find strength in your journey Wherever you go. You'll find light in the darkness And hope once again. When you follow the Savior, You'll find rest. When you follow the Savior, You'll find rest.


Thanks, Elica! By the way, she just received her mission call to London, England, where she'll be serving in May.

Some Mutual album songs have been translated into more than 30 languages and have been performed and recorded all over the world. With hundreds of thousands of Latter-day Saint youth in Brazil, they've been recording the album in Portuguese for many years. There is one young Church member who has been on The Voice in Brazil and has recorded on Brazil's albums for the past few years. She was also one of the guests at a Face to Face event that you can watch at facetoface.lds.org. She is with us here tonight with her song, [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] or "You Are Strong," from the Brazilian 2018 Mutual album. Please welcome Nicole Luz to the stage. [APPLAUSE]



Thank you, Nicole. That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you. Before you go, I have a question for you. How do you stay strong in the gospel in today's world? Oh, that's a great question. Let me see. At my home, I have good examples like my dad, my mom, and my three brothers, and they always taught me to be grateful and to have examples. And having them at home, it's awesome to me because every day, they're teaching me something new. And they taught me to have a great example that is Jesus Christ. And what I always learned were these two things: have an example and be grateful. When we are grateful, we feel loved and other people feel loved. Like, I am so grateful to be here today. I'm nervous and all of this stuff, but I'm grateful and happy to be here. So when we see these blessings that we have because of our Heavenly Father, we are happy and we are strong in the gospel. Awesome. I think that's it. Thank you so much, Nicole. Thank you. [APPLAUSE]

In Mosiah chapter 2, verse 41, King Benjamin says, "I would desire that ye should consider [upon] the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. ... And if they hold out faithful to the end ... they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness." The next song talks about the happiness the gospel brings. While you listen to it, send a direct message to LDS Youth Instagram about how the gospel brings you happiness. We'll read some of those messages later on in the program. Now please welcome Lauryn Judd with her song, "Never Ends." [APPLAUSE]


(SINGING) People wonder how I know it's true, Why I do the things I do. They don't get it 'Cause it's so diff'rent. They ask me how I can believe In something that I've never seen. But I tell them ev'ry time, It's the feeling that I get each night When I fold my arms and feel His light, And my prayers are answered time and time again. It's the balm of Gilead when it hurts And early Sunday morning church Surrounded by my family and my friends.

It's the happiness I get, The kind that never ends.

It's a peaceful feeling in my heart Like He holds me in His arms, A sweet assurance, A hopeful burning. It's a joy I can't describe That I've felt so many times. I want ev'ryone to know, The feeling that I get each night When I fold my arms and feel His light, And my prayers are answered time and time again. It's the balm of Gilead when it hurts And early Sunday morning church Surrounded by my family and my friends.

It's the happiness I get, The kind that never ends. Oh, the kind that never ends.

Oo, the kind that never ends.

It's the feeling that I get each night When I fold my arms and feel His light, And my prayers are answered time and time again. It's the balm of Gilead when it hurts And early Sunday morning church Surrounded by my family and my friends. It's the feeling that I get each night When I fold my arms and feel His light, And my prayers are answered time and time again. It's the balm of Gilead when it hurts And early Sunday morning church Surrounded by my family and my friends.

It's the happiness I get, The kind that never ends.


Thank you, Lauryn. Lauryn also got her mission call and leaves in two weeks to Dallas, Texas. How awesome is that? [APPLAUSE] OK, this next song by Jordan James is about how merciful the Savior is to all of us. Please welcome Jordan to the stage. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]

(SINGING) I smile ev'ry day When I think about His grace. 'Cause I've felt a change And I thank Him all the time For the blessings in my life. My future's burning bright 'Cause He is merciful, Merciful.

He always lifts us to our feet. He is merciful. This I know 'Cause He is merciful to me.

I know who I'm supposed to be 'Cause it's been shown to me By the one who calmed the sea.

And ev'ry single day I'll try to live that way And give Him all the praise 'Cause He is merciful, Merciful. He always lifts us to our feet. He is merciful. This I know 'Cause He is merciful to me.

And He taught me how to love Because He loves me. So I'll love with all my heart And live for something. I'm gonna do all I can to Do what He would do 'Cause He gave me a second chance. He is merciful, Merciful.

He always lifts us to our feet. He is merciful. This I know 'Cause He is merciful to me.

[APPLAUSE] Thanks, Jordan. Our next song was recorded by a sister duo, Seli and Ari Miller. But Ari is on her mission in Argentina, so she can't be with us tonight. Seli served a mission, too. Tell us where you served, Seli. I served in Brazil, Natal. Awesome. And what did you love most about your mission? I loved everything, honestly. I loved the people, I loved the food, I loved how beautiful it was. But the part that stayed with me the most was that I learned my purpose as a disciple of Christ and as a daughter of God, which is to love everybody as God does. And that love motivates everything else. I love that. Thank you so much. Seli Miller with her song, "Footsteps." [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - "FOOTSTEPS"]

(SINGING) You hear a voice inside your soul. It beckons to you. It echoes through you.

You're scared to pass through the unknown. Your strength is fading. Your thoughts are racing. But something, Something moves you forward. There's a light inside you Yearning for more.

Step into the dark And don't be afraid. Every star in the heavens Is lighting your way. If you feel like you're lost, You're not alone. Just follow His footsteps, And He'll lead you home.

Your hope is stronger than your fear. It's growing brighter. You're getting stronger.

You know now that you can't stay here. Your heart is burning A prayerful yearning For something, Something in the distance. He will lift you up to Where you belong.

Step into the dark, And don't be afraid. Every star in the heavens Is lighting your way. If you feel like you're lost, You're not alone. Just follow His footsteps, And He'll lead you home. And with ev'ry step He will ease your pain. With every heartbeat you'll feel a change. He's beckoning to you, calling your name.

Step into the dark, And don't be afraid. Every star in the heavens Is lighting your way. If you feel like you're lost, You're not alone. Just follow His footsteps, And He'll lead you home.



Layla Mackey's song, "Just a Feeling," is about following spiritual promptings. Please welcome Layla to the stage. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - "JUST A FEELING"]

(SINGING) Sometimes the heavens open And light comes pouring down. He speaks in words unspoken, His mercy calling out.

It's like a gentle whisper That's leading you along To do some good in this world And open up your heart. But it's just a feeling That you get inside your chest. It's just a feeling Till you follow what it says, And when He sees the way you live He'll let you feel that way again. It's just a feeling, But that feeling Could change ev'rything.

When He sees His children suff'ring, The way He shows His love Is by pushing us together, So we can lift each other up. But it's just a feeling That you get inside your chest. It's just a feeling Till you follow what it says. And when He sees the way you live He'll let you feel that way again. It's just a feeling, But that feeling Could change ev'rything. So let Him lead you on. Give your will to Him. And pay attention to the burning in your heart, And you could change the world If you're listening. That's where it begins. But it's just a feeling That you get inside your chest. It's just a feeling Till you follow what it says. And when He sees the way you live He'll let you feel that way again. It's just a feeling, But that feeling Could change ev'rything.

Could change ev'rything.


We got so many messages from you about how the gospel brings you happiness. OK, so the first one is from Merril, I think, is the name. And they said, "I am able to feel peace and love of God. It gives me the strength to be able to get through the day." And the second one is Emily. And she says, "The gospel brings me so much happiness. In fact, right now I'm watching the broadcast with my young women, and I'm so happy the gospel has brought them in my life. I'm so thankful for all the peace I gained last year, and I'm so excited for this year." And then Scott said, "The gospel affected me in many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many--" on and on. "My life--many ways." Oh, I forgot that part. "My life has been affected by the gospel, and I know it will continue to because I have my best friend by my side, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord."

Then Marshall says, "There's one thing that I can always, always rely on: the grace of God. He hears us, He knows us, but most importantly, He loves us. Hearing these singers and the Spirit that has been here so far has brought me so much joy and happiness. Christ truly does live and, by His grace, loves us more than we will ever know." That's awesome. The gospel really does help us so much. And the way we can show our appreciation for our Savior is by loving Him and following what He says. This next song is the 2019 theme song, "If We Love Him," sung by Lauryn Judd and the rest of our singers. [APPLAUSE]


(SINGING) Love is more than just a word; It's more than just a feeling in our souls. Love is why He came to earth, To be the hope we turn to When we feel alone. We can love like He loves us When we walk in His footsteps. If we love, if we love Him, we will show Him. We'll go and serve our neighbor with an open heart, Find the heavy hands and try to lift them up, Live the way He lived and do the things He taught if we love Him. If we love Him. If we love Him.

He has given us direction So that He can bless us with His grace.

As we show Him that we love Him, Follow what He says, We'll be forever changed. We can love like He loves us When we walk in His footsteps. If we love, if we love Him, we will show Him. We'll go and serve our neighbor with an open heart, Find the heavy hands and try to lift them up, Live the way He lived and do the things He taught if we love Him. If we love Him. If we love Him. If we love Him.

When we love, everything changes. His love sustains us. So we'll take all the love that He gave us, That He gave us, And go and serve our neighbor with an open heart, Find the heavy hands and try to lift them up, Live the way He lived and do the things He taught if we love Him. We'll go and serve our neighbor with an open heart, Find the heavy hands and try to lift them up, Live the way He lived and do the things He taught if we love Him. If we love Him. If we love Him. If we love Him.


Thank you, Lauryn. Thanks for everyone for coming tonight. You can find the 2019 Mutual album and past albums on the LDS Music app on Spotify and Apple Music and on the Mutual album website at youth.lds.org. This performance was recorded and streamed live so you can watch it again on LDS.org in the Media Library. We hope you all had an enjoyable time but, even more importantly, that you felt the desire to come closer to Christ. We know that He is the peace in this world. To finish off our concert tonight, here is one you may know: the 2018 Mutual theme song, "Peace in Christ." After the song, if you'd like to say hi to the performers, they'll come greet you in front of the stage. Thanks again. [APPLAUSE]


(SINGING) There is peace in Christ When we learn of Him. Feel the love He felt for us When He bore our sins. Listen to His words. Let them come alive. If we know Him as He is, There is peace in Christ. He gives us hope When hope is gone. He gives us strength When we can't go on. He gives us shelter In the storms of life. When there's no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.

There is peace in Christ When we walk with Him Through the streets of Galilee To Jerusalem. Mend the broken hearts. Dry the tear-filled eyes. When we live the way He lived, There is peace in Christ. He gives us hope When hope is gone. He gives us strength When we can't go on. He gives us shelter In the storms of life. When there's no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.

He gives us hope When hope is gone. He gives us strength When we can't go on. He gives us shelter In the storms of life. When there's no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ. When there's no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.


2019 Mutual Theme Concert: If We Love Him

Watch this year’s youth theme concert live on temple square featuring young artists who wrote and recorded the 2019 theme album. Including If We Love Him accompanied by writer and composer Nik Day.

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