
For people with disabilities, most doors serve two purposes. They let people in, and they keep people out. So the question we have to ask is: Do our doors let people with disabilities in or keep them out? [MUSIC PLAYING]

One in three--when people hear it, they don't believe it. That one in three households has a person with a disability. At church you'll hear people say, "But we don't have anyone with a disability in our congregation, because if we did, we'd know who they were." "Because if we did, we'd build a ramp for them." Except right now, I don't need a ramp. I just need the teacher to use a microphone. Right now I just need a friend. Someone to pray with. Someone to tell stories to. Someone to bond with over our faith. But how can you bond when you're invisible, hiding in plain sight--those without sight, the hard of hearing? Those with depression, autism, anxiety? Those who have a hard time fitting in? Those with fragile bodies, who try hard but struggle? I just need you to believe: believe in me, to believe this place would be better with me by your side. Have you ever really thought about the things that make you belong, truly belong in a community? It's hard to describe exactly what they are, but you definitely know when you don't fit in. People talk all the time about special needs. But these are not special needs; they're everybody's needs. We just want to be invited, noticed, loved. And that manifestation of love doesn't have to be anything big. Sometimes the simplest things are the most meaningful. After all, faith isn't about programs. It is about relationships. And reaching out doesn't require the extraordinary--just a regular outpouring of the ordinary. We can share. We can serve. We can contribute. We can help. We're believers just like you. And just like you, we can listen. We can comfort. We can offer all of our support.

For people with disabilities, most doors serve two purposes. But the doors here should only have one. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Two Purposes: Accepting and Including People with Disabilities

Many of us struggle to accept and include people who have disabilities. Even at church. Watch this video and learn what you can do to make a difference in the life of someone with a disability.

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