
As a teacher, I need to know what the objective is for the lessons that I'm teaching,

and I need to be able to take an opportunity to clearly state for my students what it is that they're going to be learning that day.

I do this by stating a clear objective at the beginning of each lesson.

I also want to make sure that I’m stating this on my students’ level.

For example, if I were teaching something out of the Bible in Matthew,

I might say to younger children or students on a lower developmental level,

“Today we’re going to learn about how to be kind to others.”

If I were working with older students or students on a higher developmental level,

I may state, “Today we’re going to learn about how to have charity towards our brothers and sisters.” Whatever the case may be, I want to be able to clearly state a nice objective

so my students know what we will be talking about that day in our lesson from the very beginning.

State Objective

At the beginning of a lesson, it’s important to clearly state the lesson’s objective—and to do it at the students’ level of understanding.

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