undefined undefined A Promise for the Lord’s Battalion

I invite the Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women leaders, the young leaders to please stand up. On behalf of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve to you young people, we have confidence in you. You are the Lord's battalion. And these adjustments that have been made now organize the work of salvation so that it is so focused and so simple.

We know, we witness, we testify that you will contribute to helping great things happen in this work all over the earth. We expect you to surprise the adults. We expect you to seek inspiration and revelation. And as you do that in your youth in a world that is increasingly wicked and ever more chaotic, we promise you, you will be safeguarded, you will be guided, you will be protected. What you learn about receiving revelation about others will bless you in magnificent ways.

I bear my witness and include in that witness my two brethren, Elder Stevenson and Elder Renlund. I'll be voice, but it's coming from all three of us. We unitedly declare our witness of the living reality of God the Eternal Father, and of His Son, Jesus Christ. They live. They are real. They know you by name. Our beloved Heavenly Father will hear and answer your prayers. The Savior Jesus Christ has marked the path and led the way. Please follow Him. Come unto Him, and follow Him. We love you. I again express our confidence in you. And we look forward to the miracles you will help to create in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.

A Promise for the Lord’s Battalion

Elder Bednar testifies of the important role the youth will play in the work of salvation. He promises that as they seek inspiration and revelation, they will be safeguarded, guided, and protected in this increasingly wicked and ever-changing world.

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