undefined undefined God Has a Plan For You


My dad and my mom--they live in Uttarakhand, in northern part of India. My dad and my mom got married when he was, I think, 18-year-old and my mom was 15-year-old. So, I came from that background where it's like men are ruling their families. So, men is very important and women are less important. But my dad, even though he has six daughter, he never, never let us down. He said, "Do whatever you want to do in your life, OK? I won't stop you." I think my mom inspired my dad because my mom is a very strong woman. She always tell to my dad that "I want to educate my daughter. Please don't stop them." And my dad said OK. My mom was really, really sick. We take her to the different temples, like Sikh temples, and Muslim temples, like Hindu temples, and we couldn't get any answer and any relief for my mom. So, one day, my sister Angeli met her friend. Her name is Monisha. So she said, "So we go to this church-- why don't you take your mom here because maybe the pastor can heal your mom." So I said, "OK, let me go first." So, when I went to that church first time, it was in the Easter time. And the pastor was telling about Jesus Christ. I cried that day when they were worshipping Him. I did not hear anything what they were singing, what they were talking; I just heard one voice that "He died for your sin." And that really-- I was shocked. I was like, "How can He die for my sin?"

After one year, I was coming from my college. I had exam. And as I was walking, I saw Monisha. So she was standing on the road, and I was all, "What are you doing here?" So then she told me that, you know, "I'm waiting for the elders." Then I was, like, "Elder? What do you mean? What 'elder' means?" So she said, "I also don't know. But I'm waiting for the two people who are wearing badge and they're wearing white shirt and black pant, and they're coming to my home." So I said to Monisha that "I'm going home." And she said, "Are you coming to my home?" So I said, "No, I'm not coming. I'm going to my home because I have to prepare for my exam." As I start walking, I heard a voice, "Hi, sisters." So I looked back. So they invited me. They said, "Now, sister, we are going to Monisha's house. Would you like to come?" So I said, "No. I'm already tired, and tomorrow is also big exam for me. I want to go home and prepare for that." As I was sitting down, I heard a voice that, "You should go." I was so shocked, like, "What voice I'm hearing?" And I was ignoring that voice till 15 minutes. After like 15 minutes, I was, like, "OK, I think I should go." I told my younger sister-- her name is Ashu. I said, "Ashu, let's go. We are going to Monisha's house." So then she's like, "Why?" And I said, "Let's go. Come with me." So I went to their house. I knocked the door. And I went inside. The elders said, "I know that you will come." They started teaching about Joseph Smith's vision. He was also searching the truth. Joseph Smith sees Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. My body was so calm. My mind, my heart was so calm. I feel like this is the right place. This is it. I never, never heard about Heavenly Father before. I know that Jesus Christ is there, but I don't know that we have Father also, Heavenly Father. So, after they finish the teaching, they give me their card. They said, "Sister, this is our Church, and this is our number. And our Church start in afternoon around 2:00. So would you like to come?" So I said, "Elder, I'm already going to a church." So they said, "OK, but try to come to our Church." So next Sunday, I went to the Pentecostal church, and then in the afternoon, I went to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So in the evening, I was sitting in my roof. I look up in the sky. I said, "Whoever you are, tell me what is the truth. I'm struggling here. I don't know what to do. Somebody's saying, 'Do this.' And somebody's saying, 'Do that.' Where I need to go?" I said, "Whoever you are, if you're real God, tell me what I need to do." I slept and I saw a dream. In my dream, I saw that the elders are giving me baptism. I went to the water and came out. I don't how to say it, but it just literally feel to me it's real. At that time, I know this is my answer. I call elder in the morning. I said, "Elder, I'm ready for the baptism." So after we all get baptized, on December, my mom died. My hope and everything was-- I feel like everything is gone, because we are so close to our mom.

Even though I joined this Church, I have a hope that my mom will be healed and she'll be like before she was. And I have really much hope that Heavenly Father will save her, but she died.

They talk about a plan of salvation. I know that I can meet my mom again. That is the way Heavenly Father was preparing me for that. He was preparing me to find truth. I think this is all planned, because I have the testimony He was preparing me for that day. And I can feel that I can meet my mom again. If you're searching for the truth for your own life, ask God, as I asked, as Joseph Smith asked. You will get your answer by Holy Ghost. I felt it in my heart. I listened that voice. And I feel so happy to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I want that everyone feel the same, the way I do. [MUSIC PLAYING]

God Has a Plan For You

When her mother became ill, Renu Singh sought answers from various churches in India. By divine design, she learned of God's plan of salvation. Her baptism helped prepare her for her mother’s death.

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