
Which of us shall go? Laman, as the eldest, you have always claimed the right and privilege of being the first among us. We will cast lots.

As I said …

We await word of your success.

-Oh, please, sit, sit. -Thank you ... Zoram, fetch this man some wine. that will not be necessary. It is kind, but my visit will be brief.

Very well.

Tell me, what have you come to discuss with me? My father, Lehi, has sent me.

The Lord has commanded us to ask thee

for the records which are engraven upon the plates of brass, the records which contain the genealogy of my father. The plates of brass have been handed down in my family for generations. Your father believes I should simply give them to you?

What if I were to cry out,

claiming thou art a robber? Then I would be within my rights to slay you, would I not? I … Thou art a robber! I will slay thee!

Laman Attempts to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:9–13

1 Nephi 3:9–13 | Laman asks Laban for the brass plates, including Lehi's genealogy. Instead, Laban refuses and threatens to slay him.

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